The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Remember the years...?" (Pomnisch, byili godyi) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Listen, Kolya, women are such succubi! It's strange, but I can't shake off this thought,

That I'll end up in bed with her again - my mind's in a total whirlwind.

Take a sip, give me some advice - should I go back to Silikat tonight?

Man, Kolya, what a summer it is - all the guys are stuck in Peremerki.

Yesterday, me and Valerka discussed this painful life question:

All those who used to love us, came crawling back, begging - but they got rejected!

Чую, Коля, бабы - просто лярвы! Странно, но покою не дает

Мысль, что опять я с нею лягу,- и в башке сплошной круговорот.

Пригуби стаканчик, посоветуй,- сбегать ли еще на Силикат?

Да, Колян, какое нынче лето,- в Перемерках все друзья сидят.

Мы вчера с Валеркой обсудили наболевший жизненный вопрос:

Те, кто нас когда-то и любили, все назад просились, но - отсос!

The song "Remember the Years" by Mikhail Krug features a lyrical hero confiding in his friend Kolya, sharing his worries and reflections on life.

The line "I feel it, Kolya, women are just vampires!" conveys the hero's disillusionment and cynical attitude towards women. It's possible he's experienced a painful romantic experience, leaving him with bitterness and distrust. "Strangely, the thought of sleeping with her again haunts me" - the hero recognizes the vicious cycle he's in but can't resist his desires, causing him inner turmoil and a "constant whirlwind" in his head.

Seeking solace from his emotional turmoil in the company of friends and alcohol, he asks his friend for advice: "Take a sip, tell me, should I go to Silikat again?". "Silikat" likely refers to a place where his friends gather. The phrase "Oh Kolya, what a summer it is - all our friends are in Peremerki" adds to the picture: summer, friends are together, yet the hero is burdened by melancholy thoughts.

Nostalgia for the past echoes in the words: "Yesterday, Valerka and I discussed a pressing life question: Those who once loved us, all came crawling back, but - get lost!". The hero bitterly acknowledges that the past cannot be revived. Those who were once dear are no longer welcome. "Get lost!" is a sharp, even rude phrase that emphasizes the categorical refusal and unwillingness to dwell on the past.

Overall, Mikhail Krug's song "Remember the Years" is a reflection on life, love, disappointments, and bygone youth, imbued with sadness, irony, and longing for what has passed.

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