The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The field is green." (Pole zelyonoe) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

The field is green and vast, and the clouds in the sky are light, like cotton. Only the wind stirs the green expanse.

We are unanswered, noticeable with a glance – the smallest – and warmed by it: because I can tell you everything about love.

And everything unremarkable immediately blushes, you say that the word you whispered to me so gently will remain forever.

How much simple, good can be uttered by the heart, as if on purpose the small world sent us this meeting with you.

But why does it happen like this in the world: two people meet, then part, and golden days disappear into the fog.

Willow in April - a broken branch, an underage girl, my fairy tale, you and I are already far away.

Something, apparently, does not work out, time flies, and love is forgotten and will never return for you.

You promised me that you would love me, I promised that I would love you, we were unanswered then.

Поле зелёное и необъятное, и облака в небе лёгкие, ватные. Только лишь ветер колышет зелёную гладь.

Мы безответные, взглядом приметные — маленьким самым — и им же согретые: я ведь могу тебе всё о любви рассказать.

И всё невзрачное тут же румянится, ты говоришь, что навеки останется слово, которое ты мне так нежно сказал.

Сколько же можно простого, хорошего высказать сердцем, как будто нарочно нам маленький мир эту встречу с тобою послал.

Но почему так на свете случается: встретятся двое, потом разлучаются, и убегают в туман золотые деньки.

Вербы в апреле — обломана веточка, несовершеннолетняя девочка, сказка моя, мы с тобою уже далеки.

Что-то, наверно, не получается, время бежит, и любовь забывается и не вернётся уже для тебя никогда.

Ты обещал мне, что будешь любить меня, я обещала, что буду любить тебя, мы безответными были с тобою тогда.

In the song "Green Field," Mikhail Krug explores the theme of fleeting yet intense love. The lyrical hero finds himself in a serene setting, possibly surrounded by nature, as evidenced by the image of a vast green field and drifting clouds. This idyllic picture serves as the backdrop for a sudden burst of feelings.

Upon meeting, the characters feel "defenseless", meaning vulnerable and open to the overwhelming emotions. They are still "small", their love is just budding, but it already possesses the power to warm their hearts. The hero is ready to reveal his feelings, to tell about love, and the world around seems to reciprocate: everything "nondescript blushes", every word takes on a special meaning.

However, in the following stanzas, notes of sadness and inevitability are woven into the song. The lyrical hero realizes the transience of the moment, understanding that fate may separate them. The image of "golden days" running away into the fog creates a feeling of loss, of bright sadness.

The symbol of the short duration of love is the "broken twig" of a willow - a symbol of spring and hope, but a fragile and unrealized hope. The "fairy tale" of the relationship is over, the characters are "far" from each other.

In the final lines of the song, the motif of unfulfilled promises sounds. Love, unable to withstand the test of time, is "forgotten", and the hero bitterly admits that in the past they were "defenseless" - not only open to feelings, but also unable to save their love.

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