The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Wait a minute, my dear." (Postoy duscha) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

And in springtime my soul soars at sunset,

Circling the white church, it beckons me beyond the clouds.

The earth steams, my heart skips a beat,

My soul calls me, it calls, but I just want a hundred grams,

I just want a hundred grams...


Wait, my soul, wait, I'm coming with you, I'm coming with you,

I'll down a hundred grams slowly, and I'll fly with you, my soul, I'll fly with you, my soul...

Wait, my soul, wait, I'm coming with you, I'm coming with you,

I'll down a hundred grams slowly, and I'll fly with you, my soul, I'll fly with you, my soul, with you, my soul...

And in springtime, ah, such grace, the flowers bloom,

My soul desires to soar, to repent of all sins,

My soul calls me, it calls, and my heart is tormented,

It wants to visit the girls, then it begs to go to the pub,

It begs to go to the pub...


Wait, my soul, wait, I'm coming with you, I'm coming with you,

I'll down a hundred grams slowly, and I'll fly with you, my soul, I'll fly with you, my soul...

Wait, my soul, wait, I'm coming with you, I'm coming with you,

I'll down a hundred grams slowly, and I'll fly with you, my soul, I'll fly with you, my soul, with you, my soul...

А по весне моя душа летает на закате дня,

Над белой церковью кружа, зовёт за облака меня,

Земля, испарина идет, а сердце аж заходится,

Зовёт душа меня, зовёт, а мне сто граммов хочется,

А мне сто граммов хочется…


Постой, душа моя, постой, я за тобой, я за тобой,

Махну сто граммов не спеша, и полечу с тобой, душа, и полечу с тобой, душа…

Постой, душа моя, постой, я за тобой, я за тобой,

Махну сто граммов не спеша, и полечу с тобой, душа, и полечу с тобой, душа, с тобой, душа…

А по весне, эх, благодать, цветочки распускаются,

Душа изволит полетать, во всех грехах покаяться,

Зовёт душа меня, зовёт, а сердце аж изводится,

То в гости к девочкам зайдёт, а то в кабак попросится,

А то в кабак попросится…


Постой, душа моя, постой, я за тобой, я за тобой,

Махну сто граммов не спеша, и полечу с тобой, душа, и полечу с тобой, душа…

Постой, душа моя, постой, я за тобой, я за тобой,

Махну сто граммов не спеша, и полечу с тобой, душа, и полечу с тобой, душа, с тобой, душа…

In his song "Just Wait, My Soul," Mikhail Krug uses the image of the soul, striving for freedom and spiritual purification, as a metaphor for the desire to drink.

Spring, the awakening of nature, the flight of the soul over the church – all this symbolizes the striving for the sublime, for repentance ("to repent of all sins"). However, the earthly, the carnal ("The earth, sweat is coming") prevails, and the lyrical hero chooses "a hundred grams" instead of a spiritual search.

The repeating refrain "Just wait, my soul, just wait... I'll down a hundred grams slowly, and I'll fly with you, my soul..." emphasizes the inner conflict: the soul calls for one thing, and the hero, justifying himself, chooses another. Alcohol in this case is a way to drown out the voice of conscience, to postpone spiritual quests for later.

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