The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Come to my house." (Prihodite v moy dom) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I'll close my eyes, forget the offenses, forgive even what's not worth forgiving,

Come to my house, my doors are open, I'll sing you songs and treat you to wine.

Come to my house, my doors are open, I'll sing you songs and treat you to wine.

I'll sing you songs about fate and separation, about a joyful life and an absurd death.

And as before, we'll look into each other's eyes, and of course, I'll want to sing again.

And as before, we'll look into each other's eyes, and of course, I'll want to sing again.

And then I'll sing to tears, till dawn, time will tremble on the ringing string,

And I will sing to you and hope somewhere, that you will never speak ill of me.

And I will sing to you and hope somewhere, that you will never speak ill of me.

I'll close my eyes, forget the offenses, I'll forgive everything that I can, and everything that I can't,

But I'll never be different, God sees, if something is wrong, you forgive me…

But I'll never be different, God sees, if something is wrong, you forgive me…

You forgive me…

Я закрою глаза, я забуду обиды, я прощу даже то, что не стоит прощать,

Приходите в мой дом, мои двери открыты, буду песни вам петь, и вином угощать.

Приходите в мой дом, мои двери открыты, буду песни вам петь, и вином угощать.

Буду песни вам петь про судьбу и разлуку, про весёлую жизнь и нелепую смерть.

И как прежде в глаза мы посмотрим друг другу, и конечно, ещё мне захочется спеть.

И как прежде в глаза мы посмотрим друг другу, и конечно, ещё мне захочется спеть.

И тогда я спою до слезы, до рассвета, будет время дрожать на звенящей струне,

А я буду вам петь и надеяться где-то, что не скажете худо никогда обо мне.

А я буду вам петь и надеяться где-то, что не скажете худо никогда обо мне.

Я закрою глаза, я обиды забуду, я прощу всё, что можно, и всё, что нельзя,

Но другим никогда, видит Бог, я не буду, если что-то не так, вы простите меня…

Но другим никогда, видит Бог, я не буду, если что-то не так, вы простите меня…

Вы простите меня…

In his song "Come to My House," Mikhail Krug sings about hospitality, forgiveness, and the desire to share his art. The lyrical hero, despite past grievances ("I will forget the insults, I will forgive even what is not worth forgiving"), is open to guests ("Come to my house, my doors are open"). He is ready to offer them warmth, treats ("and wine to entertain"), and, most importantly, his songs.

The hero's songs reflect life in all its fullness: "fate and separation," "a merry life and an absurd death." He sings about what is close and understandable to everyone. Meeting guests is not just a feast, but an opportunity for heartfelt communication, when "we look into each other's eyes." It is at such moments that the hero experiences a special inspiration ("I will want to sing again").

The song is filled with sincerity and emotion. The hero is ready to sing "to tears, until dawn," putting his soul into every note ("time trembles on the ringing string"). He hopes to find a response in the hearts of listeners, believes that his work will leave a good mark ("that you will never say anything bad about me").

In the last lines of the song, a request for forgiveness is heard, addressed to the listeners. The hero admits his imperfection ("if something is wrong, forgive me"), but emphasizes that falsehood and pretense are not about him ("I will never be different, God sees"). He remains true to himself, his path, and his songs.

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