The meaning of the lyrics of the song "About the guests" (Pro gostey) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Oh, tell me, where did you get this, it smells so good on the table.

Oh, we can hardly wait for the guests, oh, let's gulp down some vodka to this.

Oh, I can't wait, come on, my friend, hurry up, while they are trudging through the frost,

Let's destroy this little "rose" before the gluttonous guests arrive.

Oh, what people, and so dressed up, the taxi is waiting, and you haven't paid.

Oh, it won't be nice with the taxi driver, oh, you forgot your wallets at home.

Oh, I can't be the one to greet the guests, it seems they all conspired,

Not all of them have arrived yet, covered in snow, and my wallet is already thin.

Oh, what a strong hors d'oeuvre you have, you've never seen such cigarettes.

Oh, introduce me to your lady: where did you pick up this queen?

Please, madam, I didn't mean to be rude, I mistook you, pardon me, for a guitar.

You look in the mirror with this pair of eyes, we'll take this whole ball "with a bang".

Oh, let's have a toast, but shorter, oh, we've heard all this before,

Oh, on New Year's Eve, what nights, we've already met them with you.

So let's drink to the best days, to us and you, and to the occasion with them,

And let them choke, the wolves. Their misfortune is that they were born that way.

'Who's there, turn on the light in the toilet — I'm reading 'Raikin's Sufferings,' —

Read it and then remember, your empathy will be softer.

Oh, my God, she's been shaking for three days. And my neighbor has been shaking for three years,

That's enough for you, she'll get what's coming to her, let's have a drink, to spite them.

Ах, скажите, где вы это взяли, то, что на столе так вкусно пахнет.

Ах, гостей дождёмся мы едва ли, ах, давай под это водки трахнем.

Ах, не могу, давай, мой друг, скорей, пока они плетутся по морозу,

Давай загубим маленькую "розу", покамест нет прожорливых гостей.

Ах, какие люди и в прикиде, ждёт такси, и вы не заплатили.

Ах, с таксистом некрасиво выйдет, ах, вы дома кошели забыли.

Ах, не могу, чтоб я гостей встречал, похоже, все они договорились,

Ещё не все явились-запылились, а мой кошель уже поисхудал.

Ах, какой у вас лепень не слабый, сигарет таких вы не видали.

Ах, вы познакомьте с вашей дамой: где ж вы отхватили эту кралю?

Прошу, мадам, я вовсе не нахал, я перепутал вас, пардон, с гитарой.

Вы в зеркало глядите этой парой, Мы "на ура" возьмём весь этот бал.

Ах, давайте тост, да покороче, ах, мы это всё уже слыхали,

Ах, под Новый год, какие ночи, мы же с вами их уже встречали.

Так наливай за лучшие деньки, за нас да с вами, да за повод с ними,

И пусть они задохнутся, волки. Их горе в том, что родились такими.

"Кто там, свет включите в туалете — я читаю "Райкины страданья", —

Почитайте и потом помните, мягче будут сопереживания.

Ах, боже ж мой, три дня её трясло. А мой сосед три года как трясется,

Да хватит вам, ей всё на том зачтётся, давайте лучше выпьем, им назло.

Mikhail Krug's song "About Guests" ridicules hypocritical hospitality and insincerity in human relationships. The lyrical hero of the song is not happy with the guests, considering them to be annoying freeloaders trying to take advantage of his kindness.

Already in the first lines, the hero suggests "having some vodka" before the guests arrive, showing that his true desire is to drink, not to socialize. Further, he makes fun of the guests' greed, their ridiculous excuses ("forgot their wallets"), as well as their appearance ("what kind of people and in such outfits").

The hero does not try to hide his contempt, openly mocking the guests: he confuses the lady with a guitar, proposes a "shorter" toast, since everyone has already "heard this." The final part of the song demonstrates the hero's complete indifference to the problems of others. He cynically suggests to the guest suffering from unhappy love to read "Raikin's Sufferings", hinting at the feigned nature of her feelings.

Thus, the song "About Guests" is a satirical depiction of falsehood and self-interest hiding behind the mask of hospitality.

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