The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A Walk with the Moon" (Progulka s mesyacem) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I wandered home along the autumn road beneath the gaze of neon lights,

And in the twilight, fir trees stretched their fluffy paw-like shadows after me.

Prickly frost, cruel fate, some old pain...

And the moon called out and softly beckoned: 'Come, let's walk together!'

And memories surfaced of forgotten songs and the humble family table,

Where on holidays we all sat together, all together, no one left.

And it approaches, the evening of loneliness, never to forget

That distant meeting with my first love, the one meant for me forever.

We wandered for a long time through old Tver, where my childhood remained,

Where I bet three tokens on the horse, regretting not striking first.

Where my son and goddaughter stood service, I begged myself for forgiveness.

Here's the white Trinity Church in the starry night and the house where I was baptized...

Я брёл по осенней дороге домой под взглядом неоновых ламп,

И в сумерках ели тянулись за мной пушистыми тенями лап.

Колючая изморось, злая судьба, какая-то старая боль...

И месяц окликнул и тихо позвал: "Пойдём, погуляем с тобой!"

И в памяти всплыли забытые песни и скромный родительский стол,

Где в праздники наши сидели все вместе, все вместе, никто не ушёл.

И близится он, одиночества вечер, уже не забыть никогда

Ту с первой любовью далёкую встречу одну для меня навсегда.

Мы долго бродили по старой Твери, где детство осталось моё,

Где на кон жетоны я ставил по три, жалея, что первым не бью.

Где службу стоял сын и крёстная дочь, простить я себя умолял.

Вот белая Троица в звёздную ночь и дом, где крестили меня...

In Mikhail Krug's song "A Walk with the Moon," the lyrical hero experiences deep nostalgia and melancholy. The autumnal landscape, twilight, and cold frost all create an atmosphere of loneliness and sadness. The moon's call becomes an invitation for the hero to delve into memories, to escape from the oppressive reality.

The walk with the moon is a metaphor for a journey into the past. The hero recalls cherished images: the warmth of his parents' home, childhood fun, and first love. There is also a sense of guilt in these memories, perhaps related to the fact that the hero could not preserve the closeness and warmth that existed in the past. This is evidenced by the lines about his son and daughter, whom he begs for forgiveness.

Tver, where the hero's childhood was spent, becomes a symbol of lost carefree happiness. The image of the white Trinity and the house where the hero was baptized refers to the origins, to the spiritual foundation of his life.

The entire song is permeated with a sense of the irreversibility of time and the transience of life. The lyrical hero, wandering in the labyrinths of memory, seeks solace and forgiveness for the mistakes of the past.

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