The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Farewell glance" (Proschalnyiy vzglyad) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Catching love's farewell gaze,

Throwing my head back in a daze,

I don't yet know this is the last time our eyes meet.

I haven't felt the coldness yet, the icy sting,

Of your goodbye, the chill in your eyes, so deep.

A maiden's shame, the good, the bad, all gone with love,

Laughing, through leaves, fleeing to the year before.

And rustling grass, the birches' hum, cold dewdrops' tears,

Will vanish with you, and autumn's golden lore.

Only in dreams, within the night's embrace,

Do I remain with you, alone in our space.

You hold me close, your kisses burning bright.

As if the first time, I love you through the tears.

You brought me so much joy throughout the years...

And you sleep, nestled softly, against me in the night.

Don't go, I can't bear it, oh my God, how I love you so!

I only live for your return, this much I know.

I haven't felt the coldness yet, the icy sting,

Of your goodbye, the chill in your eyes, so deep...

Поймав любви прощальный взгляд, закинув голову назад, ещё не знаю, что гляжу в последний раз.

Пока не чувствую ещё беды холодное плечо, прощальный взгляд твоих, как лёд, холодных глаз.

Девичий стыд, добро и зло — с любовью вместе всё ушло, смеясь, по листьям убегая в прошлый год.

И шелест трав, и шум берёз, росы холодной капли слёз с тобой и жёлтою листвою пропадёт.

Лишь тёмной ночью в грёзах сна я остаюсь с тобой одна. Ты обнимаешь и целуешь горячо.

Как в первый раз, люблю до слёз. Ты столько счастья мне принёс!.. И спишь, уткнувшись, чуть сопя, в моё плечо.

Не уходи, я не стерплю, — о, Боже мой! — как я люблю! Я только тем живу, что ты придёшь назад.

Пока не чувствую ещё беды холодное плечо, твоих, как лёд, холодных глаз прощальный взгляд...

In Mikhail Krug's song "The Parting Glance," the lyrical hero experiences the agonizing moment of separation from his beloved. The lyrics are filled with bitterness, longing, and hopelessness, yet permeated with the strength of love that has not faded away.

From the very first lines: "Catching love's parting glance, throwing my head back, I don't know yet that I'm looking for the last time" - the author immerses us in an atmosphere of tragedy. The hero feels that love is leaving but cannot fully believe it. "The cold shoulder" and "the parting glance of your icy, cold eyes" speak to the fact that his beloved's feelings have cooled, she has decided to leave.

The second stanza paints us a picture of fading happiness: "Maidenly shame, good and evil - everything disappeared with love, laughing, running away through the leaves into the past year." Along with love, everything good that was between them disappears, leaving only memories, like the rustling of grass and the sound of birches. The cold drops of dew symbolize the hero's pain and despair, which he hides deep within himself.

At night, in his dreams, the hero meets his beloved again: "Only in the dark night, in the dreams of sleep, I remain alone with you. You embrace and kiss me passionately." These dreams are the last thread connecting him to his lost love, giving him hope that everything can still be as it was. He clings to these deceptive visions like a straw because "I only live for you to come back".

The final lines of the song bring us back to the beginning, closing the composition in a circle of pain and hopelessness: "I don't feel the misfortune yet, your cold shoulder, the parting glance of your icy, cold eyes..." The hero still cannot come to terms with the loss, he continues to live in hope, although he understands that this is just self-deception.

"The Parting Glance" is a poignant story of love, pain, and hope that dies last.

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