The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Report to the 70th anniversary of the Komsomol" (Raport k 70-letiyu VLKSM) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

How many years has history counted, and of those, it's unlikely we can consider

The Komsomol badge a mere prop - meaning there's reason for the order.

We've passed through storms and bad weather, pulled barges from Russia's shoals.

We've completely destroyed devastation and introduced a facade in its place.

We removed the village parasites and then brought them to the barges.

Clearly, with pitchforks in hand, we showed them: the Komsomol is twenty years old!

All construction projects were declared "shock work," words diverged from deeds.

The negligent pompous ass from the army dashingly sent [people] into battle: hup, two!

Battles raged, and murky rivers flowed. Through the arch - a banner: 'Glory to us!'

We wrote in huge letters, carving out the taiga, the word 'BAM.'

We don't need warm felt boots in the frost - we'll tighten our sheepskin coats with a belt...

And the bright contribution of those musty times shines with orders and medals.

The Komsomol is not a trifle: 'Leaders' are painting triptychs for the congress,

They're reluctant to part with the Komsomol - they're always "young" among us.

In this report - loud, desperate, we report with a single breath:

In short, we've turned the tale of Pavel Korchagin into a mockery of him.

Yes, it's time to shed this darkness and move our barges from the shoals,

To dispel the scandalous opinion: the Komsomol has outlived itself.

Сколько лет отсчитала история, и из них вряд ли можно учесть

Комсомольский значок бутафорией, - значит, повод для ордена есть.

Мы сквозь штормы прошли и ненастия, сняли баржи с российской мели.

Мы разруху разрушили начисто и на ней показуху ввели.

Мироедов с деревни мы вывели и тогда навели у баржи.

На воде чётко вилами вывели: двадцать лет комсомолу уже!

Объявились все стройки ударными, расходились с делами слова.

Нерадивый помпезник от армии лихо в бой посылал: ать-два!

Шли бои, и текли реки мутные. Через арку - плакат: "Слава нам!"

Мы писали огромными буквами, вырубая тайгу, слово "БАМ".

Нам не надо в мороз тёплых валенок - перетянем кухлянку ремнём...

И блестит орденами, медалями яркий вклад этих затхлых времён.

Комсомол - это вам не безделица: "Вожаки" к съезду пишут триптих,

С комсомолом расстаться не телятся - ходят вечно у нас "в молодых".

В этом рапорте - громком, отчаянном, рапортуем дыханьем одним:

Словом, повесть о Павке Корчагине превратили в насмешку над ним.

Да, пора сбросить это затмение и с мели сдвинуть наши баржи,

Чтоб развеять скандальное мнение: комсомол сам себя пережил.

Mikhail Krug's song "Report to the 70th Anniversary of the Komsomol" conveys a critical view of Soviet reality and the role of the Komsomol within it through irony and sarcasm.

The opening lines:

> How many years history has counted, and from them it's hardly possible to consider

> The Komsomol badge as a sham - so there's a reason for an order.

Here, the author immediately sets the tone for the entire piece. He hints that the Komsomol badge, once a symbol of ideals and aspirations, has become a formality, a reason for awards and career advancement.

Further, Krug lists the "achievements" of the Komsomol members:

> We went through storms and bad weather, we removed barges from the Russian shoal.

> We completely destroyed the devastation and introduced window dressing on it.

> We took the kulaks out of the village and then aimed at the barge.

> On the water, we clearly showed with pitchforks: the Komsomol is already twenty years old!

The lines are filled with irony. The fight against "kulaks", "removing barges from the shoal" - all this is presented as a sham that hides real problems and inefficiency.

The next verse is dedicated to "shock construction projects" and heroic deeds:

> All construction projects were declared shock projects, words diverged from deeds.

> The negligent pompous man from the army dashingly sent into battle: at-two!

> There were battles, and muddy rivers flowed. Through the arch - a poster: 'Glory to us!'

> We wrote in huge letters, cutting down the taiga, the word 'BAM'.

The author criticizes the pathos and ostentatiousness of Soviet propaganda, the discrepancy between slogans and reality. The image of the "negligent pompous man" refers to the party elite, sending young people to meaningless feats.

The culmination of the song is the bitter realization:

> The Komsomol is not a trifle for you: 'Leaders' write a triptych for the congress,

> They are not going to part with the Komsomol - they always walk among us 'in the young'.

> In this report - loud, desperate, we report with one breath:

> In short, we turned the story of Pavel Korchagin into a mockery of him.

The Komsomol, from an organization designed to educate ideal citizens, has become a tool for achieving personal goals. Former "leaders" cling to their positions, preventing a new generation from emerging. The ideals of Pavel Korchagin, the hero of the novel "How the Steel Was Tempered", are ridiculed and forgotten.

The song ends with a call for change:

> Yes, it's time to drop this eclipse and move our barges from the shoal,

> To dispel the scandalous opinion: the Komsomol has outlived itself.

The author calls for abandoning outdated dogmas and lies, reviving true values and moving forward.

Thus, Mikhail Krug's song "Report to the 70th Anniversary of the Komsomol" is not just a criticism of the Komsomol, but a reflection of the deep crisis of the Soviet system, which has lost its ideals and goals.

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