The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Let me cry now." (Pust seychas ya plachu) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

And again, a maiden's sorrow fills my soul, leaves fall from the trees in autumn's cold.

Wrapped in my frozen coat, I'm now forgotten love, no one to hold.


Let me cry now, let me feel this pain, my happiness has flown away.

Autumn day, where I wait and wait for you in vain.

Yellow leaves dance in the park, where we kissed in the shade.

And your words of love, not from the heart, just carelessly said.


And now I cry, and it hurts so much, my happiness has flown away.

Autumn day, where I wait and wait for you in vain.

With whom do you now sweetly drink my love, whispering the same words in her ear?

Spring will come, and leaves will reappear, but you won't bring back the love we held so dear.


I no longer cry, I no longer feel the pain, my happiness has flown away.

On this autumn day, I no longer wait for you.

И опять со мною девичья печаль, листья вновь с деревьев осенью летят.

И, закутавшись в промёрзшее пальто, я теперь — любовь забытая, никто.


Пусть сейчас я плачу, пусть мне очень плохо, улетело счастье.

День осенний, где тебя я жду и жду.

Танцем кружит в парке жёлтая листва, под которой целовались мы в тени.

И твои любви признания слова — не от сердца, ты их просто обронил.


И сейчас я плачу, и мне очень больно, улетело счастье.

День осенний, где тебя я жду и жду.

С кем теперь ты сладко пьёшь мою любовь и такие же слова ей говоришь?

И распустятся весною листья вновь, только вот любовь назад не возвратишь.


Я уже не плачу, мне уже не больно, улетело счастье.

В день осенний я тебя уже не жду.

In his song "Пусть сейчас я плачу" (Let me cry now), Mikhail Krug conveys the deep sadness and pain of the lyrical hero, heartbroken by unrequited love. Autumn in the text is not just a season, but a metaphor for fading feelings, loss, and loneliness.

The first verse immerses us in an atmosphere of hopelessness. "Девичья печаль" (maiden's sorrow) is not just sadness but a deep heartache caused by the loss of a loved one. The image of a "frozen coat" enhances the feeling of coldness and loneliness experienced by the hero. He feels forgotten, unnecessary, "nobody."

The chorus is a cry from the soul, an expression of despair and hopelessness. "Пусть сейчас я плачу, пусть мне очень плохо" (Let me cry now, let me feel really bad) – the hero does not hold back his emotions, he allows himself to grieve and experience pain. "Улетело счастье" (Happiness has flown away) – a short phrase that conveys the full depth of loss. The image of an "autumn day", where the hero continues to wait for his love, emphasizes the futility of his hopes.

The second verse takes us back to the past, to happy moments that now only cause pain. The "yellow leaves" swirling in the park are a reminder of the time when love was still alive. But the words of recognition, once so important, now seem empty and false.

The third verse is the culmination of the song. The hero asks himself questions that torment him: who is his former lover with now, does she repeat the same words to him as she did before? He realizes that the past cannot be returned ("leaves will bloom again in spring, but love will not return").

The final chorus is a turning point. Pain and despair are gradually replaced by acceptance and humility. "Я уже не плачу, мне уже не больно" (I no longer cry, I no longer feel pain) – the hero begins to let go of the past. The motive of waiting also disappears: "В день осенний я тебя уже не жду" (On an autumn day, I no longer wait for you). This does not mean that the pain has disappeared without a trace, but the hero begins to move on, leaving behind an unhappy love.

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