The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Rubicon" (Rubikon) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Rubbing his unshaven face with his palm, watching the Volga pull up,

Flicking his cigarette, Vitka stepped onto the porch with a sense of accomplishment.

He strutted past, like a policeman on duty, Nadia waved from the window.

The taxi driver politely said, without looking at him: 'Man, you have lipstick on your cheek!'

And in the window behind the white tulle, a silhouette was visible, 'I'll be back, and we'll have some fun together.'

He smirked, remembering how she takes a blowjob and froze with an air kiss.

He looked into her eyes and saw a sweet sadness, although he knew that he would not return,

He still promised to be there with champagne for Easter, foolish Nadia believed - she would wait.

Vitka did not regret it, he crossed his Rubicon, it was even interesting.

He threw his last trump card yesterday and left, and then everything is known:

Rubbing his unshaven face with his palm, watching the Volga pull up,

Flicking his cigarette, Vitka stepped onto the porch with a sense of accomplishment...

Потерев ладонью по небритому лицу, глядя, как подкатывает "Волга",

Сплюнув сигаретку, вышел Витька на крыльцо с чувствами исполненного долга.

Он прошёлся с понтом, как по правде постовой, вслед в окошко помахала Надя.

Вежливо таксист сказал, не глядя на него: "Парень, у тебя щека в помаде!"

А в окне за белой тюлью виден силуэт, "Я вернусь, и вместе побалуем,"

Сам причмокнул, вспомнив, как берёт она минет и застыл с воздушным поцелуем.

Он смотрел в глаза и видел сладкую печаль, хоть и знал, что больше не вернётся,

Всё равно на Пасху быть с шампанским обещал, Надька-дура верила - дождётся.

Витька не жалел, он перешёл свой Рубикон, это было даже интересно.

Свой последний козырь он вчера швырнул на кон и ушёл, а дальше всё известно:

Потерев ладонью по небритому лицу, глядя, как подкатывает "Волга",

Сплюнув сигаретку, вышел Витька на крыльцо с чувствами исполненного долга...

The song "Rubicon" by Mikhail Krug depicts the moment of separation between Vitya and Nadya. Despite his outward calmness and even feigned bravado, the protagonist is experiencing a deep inner drama.

From the very first lines, "Rubbing his unshaven face with his palm, watching the Volga pull up, Spitting out his cigarette, Vitya stepped onto the porch with a sense of accomplished duty," it is clear that Vitya is trying to appear indifferent. He struts in front of the departing Volga "with a swagger," as if not noticing Nadya's tears behind the tulle curtain.

The image of the "Rubicon" is key in the song. Crossing the Rubicon is a point of no return. Vitya deliberately burns bridges, "throws his last trump card on the line." He knows that he is acting cruelly by giving Nadya false promises of his return. But he is not tormented by remorse, rather, "he is even interested" in observing this situation.

The lyrics of the song are full of contrasts. Vitya's outward calmness contrasts with his inner breakdown, his feigned bravado with his spiritual emptiness. The image of "sweet sorrow" in Nadya's eyes emphasizes the tragedy of the separation and the girl's naive faith in her lover's imminent return.

The song "Rubicon" is a story about a difficult choice, about the price of freedom, and about how easy it is to hurt a loved one by hiding behind a mask of indifference.

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