The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Just for you" (Tolko dlya tebya) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I tore roses with sharp thorns with my bare hands, just for you.

I was alone in the night entrance, singing songs with my guitar, just for you.

I've been a sinful guy since childhood, stealing cherries in the garden, just for you.

And I wrote poems secretly in your school notebook, just for you.


Only for me you got the stars from the sky, only for me.

Only for me you smiled so awkwardly, only for me.

Only for you I broke 40 strings for nothing, only for you.

Only for me you got your first tattoo, only for me.

You grew up so early, casinos and restaurants, only for me.

Criminal talents, sables and diamonds, only for me.

It seemed to me that you needed everything, my joy, only for you.

You betrayed me, I realized, and I prepared my gun, only for you.


Only for me you got the stars from the sky, only for me.

Only for me you smiled so awkwardly, only for me.

Only for you I broke 40 strings for nothing, only for you.

Only for me you got your first tattoo, only for me.

Only for you I broke 40 strings for nothing, only for you.

Only for me you got your first tattoo, only for me.

Розы с острыми шипами рвал я голыми руками, только для тебя.

Я один в ночном подъезде под гитару пел я песни, только для тебя.

Был я с дестства перень грешный, воровал в саду черешню, только для тебя.

И писал стихи украдкой в твою школьную тетрадку, только для тебя.


Только для меня доствал ты звёзды с неба, только для меня.

Только для меня улыбался так нелепо, только для меня.

Только для тебя 40 струн порвал без толку, только для тебя.

Только для меня сделал первую наколку, только для меня.

Повзрослел ты очень рано, казино и рестораны, только для меня.

Криминальные таланты, соболя и бриллианты, только для меня.

Мне казалось, так и надо всё тебе, моя отрада, только для тебя.

Ты ж меня сдала, я понял, и наган свой приготовил, только для тебя.


Только для меня доствал ты звёзды с неба, только для меня.

Только для меня улыбался так нелепо, только для меня.

Только для тебя 40 струн порвал без толку, только для тебя.

Только для меня сделал первую наколку, только для меня.

Только для тебя 40 струн порвал без толку, только для тебя.

Только для меня сделал первую наколку, только для меня.

The song "Only for You" by Mikhail Krug tells a story of unrequited, tragic love from the perspective of the lyrical hero.

From a young age, the hero was ready to do anything for his beloved: he picked roses with thorns, sang songs with a guitar, stole cherries, wrote poems. He performed all his actions, both good and not so good, only for her sake, trying to win her heart.

Having matured, the hero became involved with crime, perhaps seeing this as a way to achieve well-being and impress his chosen one. He gave her expensive gifts, believing that he was doing everything right. However, his love was unrequited. His beloved betrayed him, "turned him in," which prompted the hero to think about suicide ("and prepared his revolver, only for you").

The contrast between the lines "only for you" and "only for me" in the verses and chorus emphasizes the one-sidedness of feelings. The hero lived for his beloved, while she took his sacrifices for granted.

The image of broken strings symbolizes the hero's wasted efforts, pain and disappointment. The first tattoo "for her" is a sign of eternal devotion, which, unfortunately, did not resonate in the beloved's heart.

The song is saturated with bitterness and tragedy. Despite the simplicity of the language, it accurately conveys the depth of human feelings, the power of love and the bitterness of betrayal.

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