The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Silence" (Tischina) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Silence. Our candles are lit again.

How pleasant and sweet it is without extra words... Though it's sad, this sadness is beautiful.

I haven't rested my soul like this in a long time, I picked up my guitar, wrote a melody

And the words, as if from a sheet, though the lines lie crookedly.

Silence and I hear the piano sounding so торжественно, словно моя печаль,

He's no different - the sweet new accomplice of my soul.

And how I long for unfamiliar hands and devilishly pleasant and moist lips,

For female tenderness and silence all week long.

May all the women remember me, those I loved as if in a dream,

I spent only a night with them, and left immediately in the morning.

I will only keep one. It is - faith, hope, my love,

The one I am obliged to love more than life itself until death.

I will sing and pour a glass to the brim and drink - for what they never drink to -

So that I may be greeted with faith on an unfamiliar porch.

And if I sit down - to sit heartily, so that my mother would wait and not wait in vain,

And so that my friend, with whom we drink the nights away, would be alive.

Silence. Our candles are lit again.

So pleasant and sweet it is without extra words, though it's sad, this sadness is beautiful.

If the candles go out - there is a star, the one that will always burn

It's faith, hope, the love of my life - Russia!

Тишина. Наши свечи зажжены вновь.

Как приятно и мило без лишних слов... Хоть печально, но эта печаль красива.

Я давно так душою не отдыхал, взял гитару, мелодию написал

И слова, как с листа, хоть строчки ложатся криво.

Тишина и я слышу звучит рояль так торжественно, словно моя печаль,

Не иначе он - милый души моей новый подельник.

А как хочется незнакомых рук и чертовски приятных и влажных губ,

Женской нежности и тишины всю неделю.

Пусть все женщины вспомнят обо мне, те, которых любил я как во сне,

Только ночь с ними был, а на утро оставил сразу.

Только лишь одну не оставлю я. Это - вера, надежда, любовь моя,

Ту, кого я любить больше жизни до смерти обязан.

Я спою и стакан через край налью да и выпью - за что никогда не пьют -

Что бы с верой меня на крыльце незнакомом встречали.

И уж если сел - то сиделось всласть да что б мама ждала да не заждалась,

Да что б жив был друг, с кем мы пьем напролет ночами.

Тишина. Наши свечи зажжены вновь.

Так приятно и мило без лишних слов, хоть печально, но эта печаль красива.

Если свечи потухнут - есть звезда, та, которая будет гореть всегда

Это вера, надежда, любовь моей жизни - Россия!

In his song "Silence" ("Tishina"), Mikhail Krug conveys a deep and multifaceted sense of melancholy, tinged with notes of hope and love. The lyrical hero enjoys the silence and tranquility, finding in them solace from life's storms. The image of lit candles symbolizes the fragility of the moment, its intimacy and value.

The sadness that Krug sings about is devoid of bitterness and hopelessness. It is beautiful, like a sunset, like a memory of something gone, but leaving its mark on the soul. This sadness gives rise to inspiration – the hero picks up a guitar and writes music, the words themselves fall on paper, even if unevenly.

The sound of the piano enhances the feeling of solemnity and depth of experience. Music becomes an interlocutor, an "accomplice" in sadness. There is a desire to share these feelings with someone close, to feel female affection and tenderness.

Recalling past romances, the hero admits his inability to be faithful, but emphasizes that there is one love that is above all for him – love for Russia. He calls it faith, hope, the meaning of his life.

The final lines are a toast to faith in the best, to always be welcomed at home, to a long life and true friends. The image of a star that will burn forever symbolizes an unquenchable hope and unconditional love for the Motherland.

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