The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Far Far Away Kingdom 2" (Tridevyatoe carstvo-2) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Koshchei breathed his last – his ashes swept away,

The castle theirs to claim, the rug they found that day

A gift for Zmey, for such as these

Hold mountains of this shit, while gold reserves would seize

A scandal to outdo the likes of James Bond’s fame.

At dawn, the friends resolved to entertain,

To call upon Baba Yaga, devils, and their train,

Kikimora, and neighbors from the neighboring wood.

The gates, they shook with every coming guest, it’s true,

While chaos reigned within, and candles burned all night.

The uninvited came, drunkards from tales of might,

Ivan the Prince, the Tomcat bold, Petrushka, bruised in fight.

"Cheese for a snack? A travesty!" The fox cried out in shock.

"Where would we find such fare?" Then, kind Dr. Aibolit spoke,

Producing half a liter of strong spirits with a wink.

Around the table they all met, glasses clinking,

A hundred grams to start, then buckets soon replacing,

Kalinych, shedding his coat, climbed on the table high,

His boots a-stomping, crushing a pig snout nearby,

And with a flourish, doffed his cap of invisibility.

From whom he'd taken it, no one could tell, you see,

So drunk were all, and Kalinych, now unseen and free,

Made for the mermaids in the privy, with a leer.

Invisible, he roamed, pinching guests in his cheer,

Until a brawl erupted, and someone, in the fray,

Landed a blow on Kalinych, though none knew who it may.

Кащей подох - труху смели и замком завладели, и половик тот, что нашли, в подарок дали Зеле.

Сего дерьма у них завал, а золотого фонда - сказать - так выльется в скандал почище Джеймса Бонда.

Друзья решили поутру звать в гости для знакомства Ягу, чертей, Кикимору, соседей с воеводства.

Тряслися с вечера врата от стука вновь пришедших, царила в замке суета, всю ночь горели свечи.

Приперлись те, кто был не зван,- вся пьянь известных сказок,- Иван-царевич, Кот-буян, Петрушка - штамп под глазом.

Сыр на закуску - дефицит!- лиса, откуда сыр-то? Тут врач-вредитель Айболит принес пол-литра спирта.

Вот все к столу присели там, ударили по кружкам,- сначала пили по сто грамм, но перешли к кадушкам.

Калиныч снял свой лапсердак, залез на стол в ботинках и, раздавив свиной пятак, снял шапку-невидимку.

С кого он снял - никто не знал: те пьяные и эти, Калиныч в шапке приставал к русалкам в туалете.

И он невидимый бродил, щипал гостей сначала, но там кого-то кто-то бил,- Калинычу попало.

This excerpt from Mikhail Krug's song "The Far Far Away Kingdom-2" is a satirical look at fairy tale characters and their lives after the "happily ever after."

The meaning of the text:

The text ridicules the stereotypical notion of the wealth and well-being of fairy tale characters. Koschei died, leaving behind a mountain of useless junk ("crap") that the heroes give away, and a meager "gold reserve," the size of which is shameful to talk about.

Further, the text ironically depicts the morals and behavior of fairy tale characters. Instead of lavish feasts and noble deeds, we see a drunken brawl and vulgar jokes. Ivan Tsarevich, Puss in Boots, Petrushka – all have sunk to the level of ordinary drunkards, and Kalinych in the invisibility cap uses his ability for indecent acts.

Images and symbols:

Koschei and his "treasures": a symbol of false wealth and the futility of material possessions.

Drunken brawl: A hyperbolized depiction of the base needs and behavior of the heroes, contrasting with their fairytale image.

Invisibility Cap: A metaphor for permissiveness used for selfish and vulgar purposes.

General idea:

Mikhail Krug's song is a satire on society, where even fairytale heroes are subject to vices and greed. The author ridicules stereotypes and shows that behind the external gloss and tinsel often lies ordinariness and vulgarity.

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