The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Clever girl." (Umnica) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

There are so many beauties on Earth, and how many have I seen with my eyes!

And my faithful memory keeps those I once loved.

I walked with Ninel in Paris, we kissed on the cheeks and passionately,

But when they offered me: 'Stay!' - I carried my feet away.


You fool, Ninel, what a fool you are, Ninel,

I'm like a gloomy cloud without Tver, and I wave goodbye to you, I'm going home to Tver.

And Berlin is already welcoming me: 'Guten Morgen, Herr Artist!'

And Madeleine hugs so tenderly, and the accordionist plays a waltz.

And Madeleine said: 'Believe me, we will live well with you.'

She gave me panties in an envelope so that I wouldn't go anywhere.


You fool, Madeleine, what a fool you are, Madeleine,

I'm like a gloomy cloud without Tver, we have courts and cops and two real thieves.

I might have stayed with them, although Berlin is good, Paris is good,

But I didn't open my soul to anyone, although you can't hide sympathy for them.

And already when I arrive home, I will invite a girl from Tver to visit,

Here it is, our Tver miracle, here I breathe in a special way!


Russia, you are so clever, what a clever girl you are,

And I have no reason to be gloomy like a cloud, Ostashkov, Bezhetsk, Volochek... We have plenty of girls.

Очень много на земле красавиц, а скольких я глазами проводил!

И хранит мне преданная память тех, кого когда-то я любил.

По Парижу мы с Нинель ходили, целовались в щёчки и взасос,

Но когда они мне предложили: "Оставайся!" - ноги я унёс.


Дура ты, Нинель, какая всё-таки же дура ты, Нинель,

Я ж без Твери как туча хмурая, и я махаю вам рукой, я еду в Тверь к себе домой.

И уже Берлин меня встречает: "Гутен морген, господин артист!"

И Мадлен так нежно обнимает, и вальс играет аккордеонист.

И Мадлен сказала: "Вы поверьте, будем жить мы с вами хорошо."

Подарила трусики в конверте, чтобы никуда я не ушёл.


Дура ты, Мадлен, какая всё-таки же дура ты, Мадлен,

Я ж без Твери как туча хмурая, у нас суды и мусора и два действительных вора.

Я бы с ними, может, и остался, хоть хорош Берлин, хорош Париж,

Но никому душой не открывался, хоть симпатий к ним не утаишь.

И уже когда домой прибуду, тверичанку в гости приглашу,

Вот оно, тверское наше чудо, здесь я по особому дышу!


Россия умница, какая всё-таки ты умница,

И ни к чему мне тучей хмурится, Осташков, Бежецк, Волочок... Полно у нас девчоночок.

In the song "Clever Girl" ("Умница"), Mikhail Krug sings about his love for his homeland and how no foreign temptations can replace his native Tver.

The lyrical hero of the song travels the world, meeting beautiful women who offer him to stay: Ninel in Paris and Madeleine in Berlin. Despite the temptations and promises of a beautiful life, the hero does not succumb to their charms and seeks to return to Tver. He ironically calls the girls "foolish" for not understanding that true happiness for him is in his homeland.

The hero admits that he did not truly open up to anyone, despite his sympathy for foreign women. His heart belongs to Russia, to Tver, where he feels free and happy. In the final chorus, he proudly calls Russia "clever" and lists his native cities, emphasizing that there are "plenty of girls" at home as well.

Thus, the song "Clever Girl" is a hymn to patriotism, love for one's native land, and the simplicity of the Russian soul, for which no wealth can replace the warmth and comfort of home.

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