The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Morning Scandal" (Utrenniy skandal) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"
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In the song "Clever Girl" ("Умница"), Mikhail Krug sings about his love for his homeland and how no foreign temptations can replace his native Tver.The lyrical hero of the song travels the world, meeting beautiful women who offer him to stay Ninel in Paris and Madeleine in Berlin
The song "Rubbing against the Author's Bust" by Mikhail Krug describes the tragic fate of a woman mired in a vicious cycle of casual relationships and alcohol.The author paints a bleak picture women "rubbing" against Krug's bust are looking only for fleeting pleasures
In Mikhail Krug's song "At What Gates," the lyrical hero anticipates his long-awaited freedom after imprisonment. The text is filled with images conveying the emotional state of a man on the threshold of a new life
This excerpt from Mikhail Krug's song "The Far Far Away Kingdom-2" is a satirical look at fairy tale characters and their lives after the "happily ever after."**The meaning of the text**The text ridicules the stereotypical notion of the wealth and well-being of fairy tale characters
The lyrics of Mikhail Krug's song "Tridesyatoe Tsarstvo" (Thirty-tenth Kingdom) do not directly refer to a specific era or social order. The action takes place in a fairytale world where elements of different times and customs intertwine
The song "Only for You" by Mikhail Krug tells a story of unrequited, tragic love from the perspective of the lyrical hero.From a young age, the hero was ready to do anything for his beloved he picked roses with thorns, sang songs with a guitar, stole cherries, wrote poems