The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Chicolda" (Chikolda) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

A worker sharpens a chisel - who needs it anyway? A milkmaid milks a bull while drunk.

And the janitor's no good either, rustling his broom since morning - every job is tough.

Older than a gasman's wrench, invigorating like a mountain river, a profession like no other.

It's time to sing its praises, to talk about prostitutes, to restore its former prestige.


Hand on my heart - I'm not one for tits, pussies, and the like. I, a man, love girls.

And wherever, with whomever I might have played around, believe me, I've never paid: I know the value of the Russian ruble.

Their work is hard. They burn themselves out on it. And arrive faster than doctors.

Anything can happen, why hide it: One made me dance, while he himself was jerking off to "Hali-Gali".


Hand on my heart - I'm not one for tits, pussies, and the like. I, a man, love girls.

And wherever, with whomever I might have played around, believe me, I've never paid: I know the value of the Russian ruble.

A worker sharpens a chisel - who needs it anyway? A milkmaid milks a bull while drunk.

And the janitor's no good either, rustling his broom since morning - every job is tough.

Older than a gasman's wrench, invigorating like a mountain river, a profession like no other.

It's time to sing its praises, to talk about prostitutes, to restore its former prestige.


Hand on my heart - I'm not one for tits, pussies, and the like. I, a man, love girls.

And wherever, with whomever I might have played around, believe me, I've never paid: I know the value of the Russian ruble.

Рабочий точит чиколду — кому она нужна. Доярка спьяну выдоит быка.

И дворник тоже никакой, с утра шуршит своей метлой — так каждая работа нелегка.

Древней, чем ключ газовщика, бодрит, как горная река, профессия, какой прекрасней нет.

Пора хвалу и ей воздать, про проституток рассказать, поднять её былой авторитет.


Я — руку на сердце — не свой до титек, писек, прочего. И я, мужчина, девочек люблю.

И где бы, с кем бы ни шалил, ни разу, веришь, не платил: я знаю цену русскому рублю.

У них работа тяжела. Они на ней горят дотла. И прилетают раньше, чем врачи.

Бывает всё, чего скрывать: Один заставил танцевать, а сам под хали-гали хрен дрочил.


Я — руку на сердце — не свой до титек, писек, прочего. И я, мужчина, девочек люблю.

И где бы, с кем бы ни шалил, ни разу, веришь, не платил: я знаю цену русскому рублю.

Рабочий точит чиколду — кому она нужна. Доярка спьяну выдоит быка.

И дворник тоже никакой, с утра шуршит своей метлой — так каждая работа нелегка.

Древней, чем ключ газовщика, бодрит, как горная река, профессия, какой прекрасней нет.

Пора хвалу и ей воздать, про проституток рассказать, поднять её былой авторитет.


Я — руку на сердце — не свой до титек, писек, прочего. И я, мужчина, девочек люблю.

И где бы, с кем бы ни шалил, ни разу, веришь, не платил: я знаю цену русскому рублю.


The song "Chikolda" by Mikhail Krug uses irony to reflect the realities of the 1990s in Russia and the stereotypical perception of prostitution.

The author begins with absurd images: a worker sharpening a chikolda (a shiv, implying uselessness) and a milkmaid milking a bull. These images serve to create a comedic effect and emphasize the idea that every job is difficult in its own way.

Krug then uses comparisons with other professions ("older than a gasman's wrench," "invigorates like a mountain river") to emphasize the significance of prostitution in the context of the song. He calls to "restore its former authority," ironically implying that this profession was more respected in the past.

The chorus serves to create a contrast with the main theme of the song. The lyrical hero claims that he is "not one for tits and pussies" and that he loves "girls." This can be interpreted as an attempt to distance himself from the image of a prostitution client and emphasize his "moral purity."

Overall, the song "Chikolda" is a satirical look at the social realities of the 1990s, where prostitution became a more visible phenomenon. Krug uses dark humor and irony to evoke mixed feelings in the listener: laughter, bewilderment, and perhaps even sympathy for the women forced into this profession.

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