The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Anti" (Antisemityi) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Why should I be considered a hoodlum and a bandit -

Wouldn't it be better for me to become an anti-Semite:

On their side, even though there are no laws, -

There's the support and enthusiasm of millions.

I've decided - and, therefore, someone will be beaten,

But I need to find out who these Semites are -

What if they are very decent people,

What if something happens to me because of them!

But a friend and teacher - a drunkard in a grocery store -

Said that Semites are simply Jews.

Well, that's such luck, brothers -

Now I'm calm - what do I have to fear!

I strengthened myself for a long time, because I revered

Albert Einstein always.

The people will forgive me, but I can't help but ask:

Where should I put Abraham Lincoln?

Among them - Kapler, who suffered under Stalin,

Among them - Charlie Chaplin, whom I respect,

My friend Rabinovich and the victims of fascism,

And even the founder of Marxism.

But the same drunkard told me after the deal,

That they drink the blood of Christian babies;

And once in a pub, the guys told me,

That a long time ago they crucified God!

They need blood - they are in a frenzy

They tortured, the bastards, an elephant in the zoo!

They stole, I know, from the people

All the bread from last year's harvest!

Along the Kursk, Kazan railway

They built dachas - they live there like gods...

I am ready for anything - for robbery and violence -

I beat the Jews - and I save Russia!

Зачем мне считаться шпаной и бандитом -

Не лучше ль податься мне в антисемиты:

На их стороне, хоть и нету законов, -

Поддержка и энтузиазм миллионов.

Решил я - и, значит, кому-то быть битым,

Но надо ж узнать, кто такие семиты, -

А вдруг это очень приличные люди,

А вдруг из-за них мне чего-нибудь будет!

Но друг и учитель - алкаш в бакалее -

Сказал, что семиты - простые евреи.

Да это ж такое везение, братцы, -

Теперь я спокоен - чего мне бояться!

Я долго крепился, ведь благоговейно

Всегда относился к Альберту Эйнштейну.

Народ мне простит, но спрошу я невольно:

Куда отнести мне Абрама Линкольна?

Средь них - пострадавший от Сталина Каплер,

Средь них - уважаемый мной Чарли Чаплин,

Мой друг Рабинович и жертвы фашизма,

И даже основоположник марксизма.

Но тот же алкаш мне сказал после дельца,

Что пьют они кровь христианских младенцев;

И как то в пивной мне ребята сказали,

Что очень давно они бога распяли!

Им кровушки надо - они по запарке

Замучили, гады, слона в зоопарке!

Украли, я знаю, они у народа

Весь хлеб урожая минувшего года!

По Курской, Казанской железной дороге

Построили дачи - живут там как боги...

На все я готов - на разбой и насилье, -

Бью я жидов - и спасаю Россию!

In the poem "Anti-Semites", Vladimir Vysotsky sarcastically portrays the psychology of a common man prone to anti-Semitism. The lyrical hero, driven by conformity and the desire for easy gain, decides to become an anti-Semite, believing it to be a profitable and popular choice.

Vysotsky skillfully uses satire to ridicule the ignorance and illogical nature of anti-Semitic ideology. The hero has no idea who "Semites" are, but is ready for violence based on rumors and stereotypes.

The author deliberately cites examples of prominent Jews such as Einstein, Lincoln, Chaplin, to highlight the absurdity of generalizations and prejudices. The image of a "drunkard in a grocery store" as a source of "knowledge" about Jews enhances the satirical effect, exposing anti-Semitism as the lot of ignorant and narrow-minded people.

Vysotsky ridicules typical anti-Semitic myths: accusations of ritual murders, economic conspiracy, exploitation of the people. The hyperbolization of these accusations ("they stole all the bread", "they live like gods") emphasizes their absurdity.

The final lines, where the hero is ready for violence, "saving Russia", demonstrate the danger of anti-Semitism, which can grow from pseudo-patriotic slogans into real aggression.

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