The meaning of the lyrics of the song "White Waltz" (Belyiy vals) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Throw boredom away like a watermelon rind!

The sky is clear, dreams are light...

The fellow had a horse and his own destiny -

Interesting until the war.

And war is war,

And peace is peace -

Everywhere, throughout the universe.

He dashingly rode his horse

At the end of spring, at the end of spring -

The last one, before the war.

But fogs were already weaving through the dew,

Hail passed through fields and dreams.

For the clouds to disperse,

The fellow was needed right there.

There - in war, as in war,

And before the war as before the war -

Everywhere, throughout the universe.

He dashingly rode his horse

At the end of spring, at the end of spring -

The last one, before the war.

Бросьте скуку, как корку арбузную!

Небо ясное, легкие сны...

Парень лошадь имел и судьбу свою -

Интересную до войны.

А на войне как на войне,

А до войны как до войны, -

Везде, по всей Вселенной.

Он лихо ездил на коне

В конце весны, в конце весны -

Последней, довоенной.

Но туманы уже по росе плелись,

Град прошел по полям и мечтам.

Для того, чтобы тучи рассеялись,

Парень нужен был именно там.

Там - на войне как на войне,

А до войны как до войны, -

Везде, по всей Вселенной.

Он лихо ездил на коне

В конце весны, в конце весны -

Последней, довоенной.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The White Waltz" tells the tragic story of a young man whose carefree life is turned upside down by the outbreak of war.

The first verse paints a picture of pre-war life: serenity compared to the lightness of a watermelon rind, clear skies, and carefree dreams. The hero has a beloved horse, symbolizing freedom and the simple joy of life. His destiny is "interesting," full of hopes and plans, until war breaks out.

The recurring phrase "War is war, and before the war is before the war" emphasizes the contrast between the two worlds. Before the war, life went on as usual, understandable and predictable. War, on the other hand, changes everything, breaking down the usual way of life and forcing one to live by its cruel laws. This phrase also hints at the inevitability and universality of war, which affects everyone ("everywhere, throughout the universe").

The image of late spring, "the last one before the war," enhances the tragedy of the situation. Spring is a time of blossoming, youth, and hope. Its end symbolizes the end of a carefree life and the onset of dark times.

In the second verse, alarming notes appear. Fog, hail, clouds covering the sky are harbingers of impending disaster. The hero goes to war so that "the clouds would disperse," to protect his land and loved ones. He is forced to leave his former life, full of joy and hope, and face the harsh reality of war.

The repetition of lines from the first verse at the end of the song reinforces the sense of tragedy. The contrast between carefree youth and the harsh reality of war emphasizes the value of a peaceful life and the irrecoverableness of what was lost.

The song "The White Waltz" is not just a story about war; it is a reflection on the fragility of peace, the price of freedom, and how war cripples people's lives.

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