The meaning of the lyrics of the song "To Valentin Pluchek's 60th anniversary" (K 60-letiyu Valentina Plucheka) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I fly out to Moscow from Odessa

On the best of airships

I'm not in a hurry for a fire, nor for the premiere of a play

To the long-awaited anniversary

I need - where is the hero of the day today

And the first friend of the "Last Parade"

In Paris - Jean Gabin and Jean Vilar

There is Yves Montand, but I don't need to go there

I argued with the cashiers for a long time about the tickets

Putting Aeroflot "on its feet"

"Who is he?" - they say, I whispered to them - and immediately gave:

"He is the director of "Banya" and "Klop"

I need - where is "The Marriage of Figaro"

In which there are many directorial tricks

I could walk through the yard to the "Moscow City Council"

But I don't need to - I need to go where Pluchek is.

Today is the delivery of the play on Taganka

But, apparently, he is a magician or a wizard,

Today there are two premieres, which means two parties in the WTO

And yet there is such a full house here

Today there are a lot of bears in the circus

And the stage competes with the circus

More hockey on TV

There is a groan, but I don't need to go there

I arrived - they don't accept me

I even chickened out, I think: trouble!

But... you know, it happens, and premieres are canceled

And anniversaries, fortunately, never

I have been your admirer for some time now

And I bow low to you for your lyre

For your unfading humor

For your long-lasting satire

В Москву я вылетаю из Одессы

На лучшем из воздушных кораблей

Спешу не на пожар я и не на премьеру пьесы

На всеми долгожданный юбилей

Мне надо - где сегодня юбиляр

И первый друг "Последнего парада"

В Париже - Жан Габен и Жан Виллар

Там Ив Монтан, но мне туда не надо

Я долго за билетами скандалил

Аэрофлот поставив "на попа"

"Да кто он?" - говорят, я им шепнул - и сразу дали:

"Он постановщик "Бани" и "Клопа""

Мне надо - где "Женитьба Фигаро"

В которой много режиссерских штучек

Я мог бы в "Моссовет" пройти двором

Но мне не надо - мне туда, где Плучек

Сегодня сдача пьесы на Таганке

Но, видно, он волшебник или маг,

Сегодня две премьеры, значит, в ВТО две пьянки

И всё же здесь такой переаншлаг

Сегодня в цирке масса медведей

И с цирком конкурирует эстрада

Еще по телевизору хоккей

Там стон стоит, но мне туда не надо

Я прилетел - меня не принимают

Я даже струсил, думаю: беда!

Но... знаете, бывает, и премьеры отменяют

А юбилеи, к счастью, никогда

Я Ваш поклонник с некоторых пор

И низкий Вам поклон за Вашу лиру

За Ваш неувядаемый юмор

За Вашу долголетнюю сатиру

This poem by Vladimir Vysotsky, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Valentin Pluchek, a famous theater director, breathes boundless respect and admiration. The lyrical hero, who is undoubtedly Vysotsky himself, seeks to congratulate the hero of the day, no matter what.

The poem is built on contrast. On the one hand, we see a string of events that might seem attractive: theater premieres ("The Last Parade", "The Marriage of Figaro"), movie stars (Jean Gabin, Jean Vilar, Yves Montand), sports battles (hockey), a circus performance. On the other hand, all this pales in comparison to the personality of the hero of the day, to the opportunity to congratulate him.

Vysotsky uses hyperbole, exaggerating the significance of the event: "I am flying to Moscow from Odessa / On the best of airships / I am not rushing to a fire or to the premiere of a play / To the long-awaited anniversary". The hero is ready to overcome any difficulties ("I argued for a long time for tickets") to get to the celebration. An interesting technique is when the hero introduces himself as a theater worker in order to get a ticket ("He is the director of "The Bathhouse" and "The Bedbug""), which emphasizes the value of the connection with the world of theater, with Pluchek.

The finale of the poem is imbued with sincere admiration and gratitude. Pluchek's anniversary, which became the occasion for the celebration, symbolizes something more – a celebration of talent, satire, unfading humor.

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