The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The guys told me about this tattoo." (Mne rebyata skazali pro takuyu nakolku) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

At twelve o'clock people want to sleep -

They have to get up for work tomorrow.

I can't bother them, I won't go steal -

I don't want to disturb their sleep.

The guys told me about this one place -

On the outskirts, where there are no streetlights!

If it works out, I'll be set for a long time

Myself, my girlfriend, and my best friends too.

But at twelve o'clock people want to sleep -

They have to get up for work tomorrow.

I can't bother them, I won't go steal -

I don't want to disturb their sleep.

The guys told me there's an actress living there,

That she's got diamonds, gold, and cash,

And that everything will be quiet - without the slightest risk.

And afterwards, of course, we're off to the races.

But at twelve o'clock people want to sleep -

And the actress has to get up for work.

I can't bother her, I won't go steal -

I don't want to disturb her sleep.

My friend Mishka told me that she's got a savings book.

It can't be, it can't be - our actress is not rich.

"But she's got a lieutenant colonel - he's her lover, I swear!" -

With this argument Mishka convinced me, the bastard.

But at twelve o'clock people want to sleep -

They have to get up for work tomorrow.

I can't bother them, I won't go steal -

I don't want to disturb their sleep.

I told the guys that she's not rich:

The diamonds are fake, the lieutenant colonel ran off.

And this actress is, like, three hundred years old -

I'll never forgive myself for disturbing her sleep.

Because at twelve o'clock people want to sleep -

They have to get up for work tomorrow.

I can't bother them, I won't go steal -

I don't want to disturb their sleep.

А в двенадцать часов людям хочется спать -

Им назавтра вставать на работу.

Не могу им мешать, не пойду воровать -

Мне их сон нарушать неохота.

Мне ребята сказали про такую наколку -

На окраине, где даже нет фонарей!

Если выгорит дело, обеспечу надолго

И себя, и подругу, да и лучших друзей.

Но в двенадцать часов людям хочется спать -

Им назавтра вставать на работу.

Не могу им мешать, не пойду воровать -

Мне их сон нарушать неохота.

Мне ребята сказали, что живёт там артистка,

Что у ней - бриллианты, золотишко, деньга,

И что всё будет тихо - без малейшего риска.

Ну, а после, конечно, мы рванём на бега.

Но в двенадцать часов людям хочется спать -

И артистке вставать на работу.

Не могу ей мешать, не пойду воровать -

Мне ей сон нарушать неохота.

Говорил мне друг Мишка, что у ней есть сберкнижка.

Быть не может, не может - наш артист небогат.

"Но у ней подполковник - он, ей-ей, ей любовник!" -

Этим доводом Мишка убедил меня, гад.

Но в двенадцать часов людям хочется спать -

Им назавтра вставать на работу.

Не могу им мешать, не пойду воровать -

Мне их сон нарушать неохота.

Говорил я ребятам, что она небогата:

Бриллианты - подделка, подполковник - сбежал.

Ну а эта актриса - лет, примерно, под триста,-

Не прощу себе в жизни, что ей спать помешал.

Ведь в двенадцать часов людям хочется спать -

Им назавтра вставать на работу.

Не могу им мешать, не пойду воровать -

Мне их сон нарушать неохота.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The guys told me about this gig," we encounter a lyrical hero contemplating a proposal from his friends to commit a robbery. The hero hesitates, finding more and more reasons to abandon the plan.

The recurring refrain "But at twelve o'clock people want to sleep - They have to get up for work tomorrow" is not just a statement of fact but a reflection of the hero's internal conflict. He hides his unwillingness to cross the line of the law behind these words, passing off his indecision as compassion for potential victims.

Friends throw in more and more tempting details – "diamonds, gold, money," "a lieutenant colonel lover with money." They are trying to convince the hero that the robbery victim is wealthy and will easily bear the loss. However, each new piece of information only strengthens the hero's inner resistance.

In the last verse, the hero admits that he lied to his friends, inventing excuses to refuse the crime. The actress is poor, the "diamonds are fake," and the lieutenant colonel has run away. The hero repents of his thoughts of robbery, saying, "I will never forgive myself for disturbing her sleep."

The repetition of the refrain at the end emphasizes that the true reason for refusing the crime was not compassion for people but an unwillingness to cross the line of the law, fear of the consequences.

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