The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Unfulfilled romance" (Nesostoyavschiysya roman) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

She has it all - her own lingerie, her own place,

And I rent a corner from my auntie.

For her - all my free time,

To her I gaze from the window across the street.

Her window never goes dark each evening,

And yesterday, the elevator man told me for half a bottle:

She has two actor friends in movies,

And one popular artist from Taganka.

And while I have my ways in their housing office,

I learned a lot of nuances about her:

Her older brother is a Spartak footballer,

And her father is an advisor in the Ministry of Finance.

I'll tell her I always go to football games,

To Spartak, and shower praise on her brother.

I'll tell her I'm friends with the Minister of Finance,

And that I myself, as an amateur, act at the Moscow Art Theatre.

She, she has geraniums on her windowsill,

She, she has curtains with a pattern.

And I, I have nothing in my window,

Just dust, just old dust on the dresser.

Never mind! I'll buy a lottery ticket,

And then I won't have to wait much longer.

And although there's no justice in the world,

I'll definitely win a Volga with it.

У нее все свое - и белье, и жилье

Ну, а я ангажирую угол у тети

Для нее - все свободное время мое

На нее я гляжу из окна, что напротив

У нее каждый вечер не гаснет окно

И вчера мне лифтер рассказал за полбанки:

У нее два знакомых артиста кино

И один популярный артист из Таганки

И пока у меня в ихнем ЖЭКе рука

Про нее я узнал очень много нюансов:

У нее старший брат - футболист "Спартака"

А отец - референт в министерстве финансов

Я скажу, что всегда на футболы хожу

На "Спартак", и слова восхищенья о брате

Я скажу, что с министром финансов дружу

И что сам, как любитель, играю во МХАТе

У нее, у нее на окошке герань

У нее, у нее занавески в разводах

А у меня, у меня на окне ни хрена

Только пыль, только старая пыль на комодах

Ничего! Я куплю лотерейный билет

И тогда мне останется ждать так недолго

И хотя справедливости в мире все нет

По нему обязательно выиграю "Волгу"

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "A Stillborn Romance", we encounter a lyrical hero who is in love with a girl from the house across the street. He watches her from his window and gathers information about her, questioning the janitor and learning the details of her life. The hero is poor and not famous, he rents a corner from his aunt, while the girl has her own apartment, she is surrounded by attention, she has wealthy and influential relatives, her admirers are theater and film actors.

To impress her, the hero invents a biography for himself: he is allegedly friends with the Minister of Finance, roots for "Spartak" and acts in the theater himself. This fictional life contrasts with his reality - an empty room with only dust on the dressers.

The hope for a miracle and winning a "Volga" car in the lottery is the hero's last chance for happiness, although he himself understands that there is no justice in the world.

The song is filled with irony and self-irony. The hero understands the comical nature of his situation and fantasies, but at the same time does not lose hope that his love will be reciprocated.

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