The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Invisible Man" (Nevidimka) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Whether I sit, whether I write, whether I drink coffee or tea,

Whether a familiar blonde comes in -

I feel that a spy is looking at me,

But not a simple one, but an invisible one.

Sometimes I jump up from my place

As if touched, I am,

So far, my bride

Is untouched by me!

We have debates with my bride about the weather

At night,

Well, what else is there to do if -

We are shy in front of him.

I'm offended,

I'm annoyed, -

Oh well!

One day I drink - and who doesn't drink now! -

She won't leave: like a shot - so in one gulp, -

I feel - he sits, the scoundrel, and counts the drunkard's drinks

He keeps in his invisible book.

Sometimes I jump up from my place

As if touched, I am,

So far, my bride

Is untouched by me!

We have debates with my bride about the weather

At night,

Well, what else is there to do if -

We are shy in front of him.

I'm offended,

I'm annoyed, -

Oh well!

I twitched, I was nervous - I went for a trick:

I'll go to bed and start snoring; well,

I'll put open cognac and - snacks on the table, -

He'll sit down - then I'll grab him!

Turning pale, I jump up from my place

As if powdered, I am,

So far, my bride -

Is chaste!

We have debates with my bride about the weather

At night,

Well, what else is there to do if -

We are shy in front of him.

I'm offended,

I'm annoyed, -

Oh well!

Besides, he harms me - not far off, just like yesterday -

I'll catch him, so I'll kill him on the spot! -

I'm sitting, and my partner plays "misère" in a row,

And I have a "mountain" - three thousand two hundred!

Turning pale, I jump up from my place

As if touched, I am, -

So far, my bride

Is untouched by me!

We have debates with my bride about the weather

At night,

Well, what else is there to do if -

We are shy in front of him.

I'm offended,

I'm annoyed, -

Oh well!

And then recently he wrote to my work

A monstrously stupid anonymous letter, -

The boss read it, showed it to me - and I recognized

By the handwriting, my dear invisible one.

The invisible one turned out to be -

No, I'm not touched -

This same blonde,

Untouched by me!

This same blonde...

My whole forehead is burning!

I asked: "Why did you do it, Ninka?"

"So that you would marry me," - she says.

I'm offended,

I'm annoyed, -

Oh well!

Сижу ли я, пишу ли я, пью кофе или чай,

Приходит ли знакомая блондинка -

Я чувствую, что на меня глядит соглядатай,

Но только не простой, а невидимка.

Иногда срываюсь с места

Будто тронутый я,

До сих пор моя невеста

Мной не тронутая!

Про погоду мы с невестой

Ночью диспуты ведем,

Ну, а что другое если -

Мы стесняемся при ем.

Обидно мне,

Досадно мне, -

Ну ладно!

Однажды выпиваю - да и кто сейчас не пьет! -

Нейдет она: как рюмка - так в отрыжку, -

Я чувствую - сидит, подлец, и выпитому счет

Ведет в свою невидимую книжку.

Иногда срываюсь с места

Будто тронутый я,

До сих пор моя невеста

Мной не тронутая!

Про погоду мы с невестой

Ночью диспуты ведем,

Ну, а что другое если -

Мы стесняемся при ем.

Обидно мне,

Досадно мне, -

Ну ладно!

Я дергался, я нервничал - на хитрости пошел:

Вот лягу спать и поднимаю храп; ну,

Коньяк открытый ставлю и - закусочки на стол, -

Вот сядет он - тут я его и хапну!

Побледнев, срываюсь с места

Как напудренный, я,

До сих пор моя невеста -


Про погоду мы с невестой

Ночью диспуты ведем,

Ну, а что другое если -

Мы стесняемся при ем.

Обидно мне,

Досадно мне, -

Ну ладно!

К тому ж он мне вредит, - да вот не дале, как вчера -

Поймаю, так убью его на месте! -

Сижу, а мой партнер подряд играет "мизера",

А у меня "гора" - три тыщи двести!

Побледнев, срываюсь с места

Будто тронутый, я, -

До сих пор моя невеста

Мной не тронутая!

Про погоду мы с невестой

Ночью диспуты ведем,

Ну, а что другое если -

Мы стесняемся при ем.

Обидно мне,

Досадно мне, -

Ну ладно!

А вот он мне недавно на работу написал

Чудовищно тупую анонимку, -

Начальник прочитал, мне показал, - а я узнал

По почерку родную невидимку.

Оказалась невидимкой -

Нет, не тронутый я -

Эта самая блондинка,

Мной нетронутая!

Эта самая блондинка...

У меня весь лоб горит!

Я спросил: "Зачем ты, Нинка?"

"Чтоб женился", - говорит.

Обидно мне,

Досадно мне, -

Ну ладно!

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Invisible Man," the protagonist, a lyrical hero, tells the story of his suspicions that he is constantly being watched by some invisible entity. He feels this gaze in different situations: while working, resting, even in intimate moments with his fiancee. The hero tries to catch the invisible man, sets traps, but all in vain.

Simultaneously, another line develops - the hero's relationship with his chaste fiancee. Their communication is limited to nightly conversations about the weather, as they are constrained by shyness during the day. The hero suffers from this situation, feeling vulnerable and unable to take a step towards intimacy.

In the culmination of the song, it turns out that the "invisible man" was the very same blonde acquaintance who wrote anonymous letters at the hero's work and spied on him. Her goal is to force the hero to marry her.

The meaning of the song is multi-layered. On the surface, it is a comical story about a jealous and suspicious hero. However, the image of the "invisible man" can be interpreted as a metaphor for the hero's fears, complexes, and insecurities, which prevent him from building relationships and living a full life. The hero's inability to recognize the "invisible man" in his blonde acquaintance emphasizes his detachment from reality and immersion in his own illusions.

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