The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Neutral zone" (Neytralnaya polosa) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

At the border with Turkey or Pakistan,

A neutral strip to the right, where bushes grow,

Our border guards with our captain stand,

And on the left side, their posts show.

And on the neutral strip, flowers bloom,

Of extraordinary beauty and perfume.

The captain's fiancée decided to live as one,

She arrived and said, "Honey, this and that,"

"You should at least give your bride a bouquet, my son,

What's a wedding without flowers, just a drunken spat?"

And on the neutral strip, flowers bloom,

Of extraordinary beauty and perfume.

To their commander, as if summoned by decree,

A woman also arrived, seized by a whim.

She too said, "My love," but in Turkish, you see,

"There will be a wedding," she declared, "a joyful hymn!"

And on the neutral strip, flowers bloom,

Of extraordinary beauty and perfume.

Our border guards, brave lads, every one,

Three volunteered to go, with their captain in tow.

How could they have known those Asians had begun

To plot that very night, a strike to bestow?

For on the neutral strip, flowers bloom,

Of extraordinary beauty and perfume.

Drunk on the scent of flowers, the captain lay dead,

And their captain too, completely inebriated.

He collapsed among the flowers, groaning in Turkish, he said,

And in Russian, crying "mother," he fell, ill-fated.

And on the neutral strip, flowers bloom,

Of extraordinary beauty and perfume.

The captain sleeps, and in his dreams, he sees,

The border open wide, like Kremlin gates so grand.

He didn't need their foreign land, not even a breeze,

He just wanted to walk on neutral land.

Why not, after all, the land belongs to no one,

For it is neutral, under the sun.

And on the neutral strip, flowers bloom,

Of extraordinary beauty and perfume.

На границе с Турцией или с Пакистаном

Полоса нейтральная справа, где кусты,

Наши пограничники с нашим капитаном,

А на левой стороне ихние посты.

А на нейтральной полосе цветы

Необычайной красоты.

Капитанова невеста жить решила вместе,

Прикатила, говорит - милый, то да сё,

Надо ж хоть букет цветов подарить невесте,

Что за свадьба без цветов, пьянка да и всё.

А на нейтральной полосе цветы

Необычайной красоты.

К ихнему начальнику, точно по повестке,

Тоже баба прикатила, налетела блажь.

Тоже - милый, - говорит, только по-турецки,

Будет свадьба, говорит, свадьба и шабаш.

А на нейтральной полосе цветы

Необычайной красоты.

Наши пограничники храбрые ребята,

Трое вызвались идти, а с ними капитан.

Разве ж знать они могли про то, что азиаты

Порешили в ту же ночь вдарить по цветам.

Ведь на нейтральной полосе цветы

Необычайной красоты.

Пьян от запаха цветов капитан мертвецки,

Ну и ихний капитан тоже в доску пьян,

И повалился он в цветы, охнув по-турецки,

И по-русски крикнув - "мать" рухнул капитан.

А на нейтральной полосе цветы

Необычайной красоты.

Спит капитан и ему снится,

Что открыли границу, как ворота в Кремле.

Ему и нафиг не нужна была чужая заграница,

Он пройтися хотел по ничейной земле.

Почему же нельзя, ведь земля-то ничья,

Ведь она нейтральная.

А на нейтральной полосе цветы

Необычайной красоты.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Neutral Strip" tells the story of a tragic and absurd situation on the border, where the beauty of nature contrasts with the cruelty and senselessness of war.

The neutral strip separating "our" and "their" border guards symbolizes the fragile line between peace and war, life and death. The extraordinary beauty of the flowers blooming on this land emphasizes the contradictory nature of the situation: life goes on even where hostility reigns.

The captain's desire to get flowers for his bride is an act dictated by love and the pursuit of peace, an ordinary life. However, it is this desire that becomes fatal: it leads the captain and his comrades to their deaths.

The captain's death is symbolic: he dies drunk from the scent of flowers, which represent life. This manifests the tragic and absurd essence of war, which destroys the most valuable thing – life.

The captain's dream about the border, open like the gates of the Kremlin, is a metaphor for the dream of peace, of free movement, of the unity of people. He wanted to walk on no man's land, symbolizing a world without borders and divisions.

The song makes you think about the senselessness of war, which takes lives and destroys dreams. It affirms the value of peace and urges us to cherish life.

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