The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Notes" (Notyi) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I've learned all the notes, from A to Z,

But who can answer this question for me?

Why do scales begin with the note "C"

And end with it, you see?

The notes dance separately and with purpose,

"Do", "Re", "Mi", "Fa", "Sol", "La", and "Si" wait their turn,

Until a daring hand disperses them

And places them on the music sheets to learn.

It's known to every musical child -

I dare not risk being tendentious -

That the note "Re" takes its place

For a whole measure and an eighth, so precious.

No matter what key you choose -

It breathes with an inequality of sounds.

The same note, let's say "Mi,"

Sounds stronger than the same note higher up, it astounds.

The notes dance separately and with purpose,

"Do", "Re", "Mi", "Fa", "Sol", "La", and "Si" wait their turn,

Until a daring hand disperses them

And places them on the music sheets to learn.

It turns out that notes are like people, you see,

But there's a paradox, and here it is:

Sometimes the note "Fa" sounds stronger to me

Than a high-ranking note, oh what a biz!

Suddenly, a flat appears somewhere near,

And in that instant, as it boldly wedges in,

The trustworthy note "Sol," I fear,

Changes itself by a semitone, oh what a sin!

The notes dance separately and with purpose,

"Do", "Re", "Mi", "Fa", "Sol", "La", and "Si" wait their turn,

Until a daring hand disperses them

And places them on the music sheets to learn.

The composer sits, quenching his thirst,

And cuts through the music with a rough sign.

And the note "La," as smooth as velvet, at first,

Raises its voice to a sharp, so fine.

And finally - ask Beethoven, you'll see -

Without the note "Si," there's no playing, no singing.

The note "Si" rises above all, so free,

And from its height, surveys its surroundings, swinging.

The notes dance separately and with purpose,

"Do", "Re", "Mi", "Fa", "Sol", "La", and "Si" wait their turn,

Until a daring hand disperses them

And places them on the music sheets to learn.

There's no point in arguing about notes, you see,

They have their own trumps and secretaries too.

It's believed that in B-flat minor, you'll agree,

Funeral marches sound beautifully true.

And besides these subservient notes,

There are also parasitic notes, it's a shame.

Who will play them, who will sing their notes?...

But God is with us, and with them - the composer's fame!

The notes dance separately and with purpose,

"Do", "Re", "Mi", "Fa", "Sol", "La", and "Si" wait their turn,

Until a daring hand disperses them

And places them on the music sheets to learn.

Я изучил все ноты от и до,

Но кто мне на вопрос ответит прямо?

Ведь начинают гаммы с ноты "до"

И ею же заканчивают гаммы

Пляшут ноты врозь и с толком.

Ждут "до", "ре", "ми", "фа", "соль", "ля" и "си", пока

Разбросает их по полкам

Чья-то дерзкая рука

Известно музыкальной детворе, -

Я впасть в тенденциозность не рискую, -

Что занимает место нота "ре"

На целый такт и на одну восьмую

Какую ты тональность не возьми -

Неравенством от звуков так и пышет.

Одна и та же нота, скажем, "ми"

Звучит сильней, чем та же нота - выше

Пляшут ноты врозь и с толком.

Ждут "до", "ре", "ми", "фа", "соль", "ля" и "си", пока

Разбросает их по полкам

Чья-то дерзкая рука

Выходит - все у нот, как у людей,

Но парадокс имеется, да вот он:

Бывает, нота "фа" звучит сильней,

Чем высокопоставленная нота

Вдруг затесался где-нибудь бемоль,

И в тот же миг, как влез он беспардонно,

Внушавшая доверье нота "соль"

Себе же изменяет на полтона

Пляшут ноты врозь и с толком.

Ждут "до", "ре", "ми", "фа", "соль", "ля" и "си", пока

Разбросает их по полкам

Чья-то дерзкая рука

Сел композитор, жажду утоля,

И грубым знаком музыку прорезал.

И нежная, как бархат, нота "ля"

Свой голос повышает до диеза

И, наконец, - Бетховена спроси, -

Без ноты "си" нет ни игры, ни пенья.

Возносится над всеми нота "си"

И с высоты взирает положенья

Пляшут ноты врозь и с толком.

Ждут "до", "ре", "ми", "фа", "соль", "ля" и "си", пока

Разбросает их по полкам

Чья-то дерзкая рука

Не стоит затевать о нотах спор,

Есть и у них тузы и секретарши.

Считается, что в си-бемоль минор

Звучат прекрасно траурные марши

А кроме этих подневольных нот

Еще бывают ноты-паразиты.

Кто их сыграет, кто их пропоет?...

Но с нами - бог, а с ними - композитор!

Пляшут ноты врозь и с толком.

Ждут "до", "ре", "ми", "фа", "соль", "ля" и "си", пока

Разбросает их по полкам

Чья-то дерзкая рука

The song "Author's Notes" by Vladimir Vysotsky uses allegory: notes are likened to people with their characters, hierarchy, and destinies.

The author draws parallels between musical phenomena and human society:

Inequality: "The same note, let’s say, ‘E’ / Sounds stronger than the same note - higher". Just like in society, a seemingly equal entity ("E") can have different influence and power depending on the context ("higher").

The unpredictability of fate: "Suddenly a flat crept in somewhere, / And at the same moment, as he climbed in unceremoniously, / The trustworthy note ‘G’ / Changes itself by a semitone". The emergence of unexpected circumstances ("flat") can change the established order and affect destinies ("G").

The influence of external forces: "The composer sat down, quenching his thirst, / And cut through the music with a rough sign. / And the soft, velvet note ‘A’ / Raises its voice to a sharp". The will of the creator ("composer") dictates to the notes ("A") their sound and role in the work.

Hierarchy and purpose: "And finally - ask Beethoven - / There is no playing, no singing without the note ‘B’. / The note ‘B’ rises above all / And looks down on the situation", "It is believed that in B-flat minor / Funeral marches sound beautiful". In society, as in music, there are different roles and purposes.

At the same time, Vysotsky does not forget about the "parasite notes" that exist outside the framework and rules, just like some people in society.

Overall, the song "Author's Notes" is a philosophical reflection on life, destiny, society, and creativity, expressed through the metaphor of music.

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