The meaning of the lyrics of the song "There's no accounting for taste." (O vkusah ne sporyat) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

There are a thousand opinions, you can't argue about taste,

I've experienced this law myself,

After all, even Einstein, a physical genius,

Understood everything quite relatively.

Dressed in fashion, as the age demands,

You'll say yourselves:

"Why, it's just a different person!"

And I'm still the same.

That's really true

Everything is relative

Everything, everything, everything.

A loincloth made of panther skin,

Oh yes, it's indecent, I agree, oh yes,

But that's how everyone dressed before our era,

And before our era, they knew better.

Dressed in fashion like in the Stone Age,

You'll say yourselves:

"Why, it's just a different person!"

And I'm still the same.

That's really true

Everything is relative

Everything, everything, everything.

I'll dress as a knight and after the tournament -

Acquaintances are unlikely to recognize me -

And I'll shout like Richard in Shakespeare's drama:

"My kingdom for a horse!"

But then, through laughter, a stubborn connoisseur will smile and say:

"Why, it's just a different person!"

And I'm still the same.

That's really true

Everything is relative

Everything, everything, everything.

Here's a cane, a boater hat - am I from the NEP, it seems?

No need for ovations - why the extra noise!

Ah, in this suit you recognized me? Well then,

Then I'll put on the last suit:

Off with the boater, instead of the cane - a glass -

And the ladies whisper:

"Why, it's just a different person!"

And I'm still the same.

That's really true

Everything is relative

Everything, everything, everything.

Be vigilant

Everything is relative

Everything, everything, everything.

О вкусах не спорят: есть тысяча мнений -

Я этот закон на себе испытал, -

Ведь даже Эйнштейн, физический гений,

Весьма относительно все понимал.

Оделся по моде, как требует век, -

Вы скажете сами:

"Да это же просто другой человек!"

А я - тот же самый.

Вот уж действительно

Все относительно, -

Все-все, все.

Набедренный пояс из шкуры пантеры, -

О да, неприлично, согласен, ей-ей,

Но так одевались все до нашей эры,

А до нашей эры им было видней.

Оделся по моде как в каменный век, -

Вы скажете сами:

"Да это же просто другой человек!"

А я - тот же самый.

Вот уж действительно

Все относительно, -

Все-все, все.

Оденусь как рыцарь и после турнира -

Знакомые вряд ли узнают меня, -

И крикну, как Ричард я в драме Шекспира:

"Коня мне! Полцарства даю за коня!"

Но вот усмехнется и скажет сквозь смех

Ценитель упрямый:

"Да это же просто другой человек!"

А я - тот же самый.

Вот уж действительно

Все относительно, -

Все-все, все.

Вот трость, канотье - я из нэпа, похоже?

Не надо оваций - к чему лишний шум!

Ах, в этом костюме узнали? Ну что же,

Тогда я одену последний костюм:

Долой канотье, вместо тросточки - стек, -

И шепчутся дамы:

"Да это же просто другой человек!"

А я - тот же самый.

Вот уж действительно

Все относительно, -

Все-все, все.

Будьте же бдительны

Все относительно, -

Все-все, все.

In his song "There's No Arguing About Taste," Vladimir Vysotsky ironically plays with the well-known saying, revealing its relativity and failure in the context of human identity.

The lyrical hero tries on different images from different eras: Einstein of the early 20th century, a prehistoric man, a medieval knight, a dandy from the NEP era, and finally, his "last suit." Each time, changing only his appearance, he encounters the same reaction from others: "Why, that's a completely different person!"

Vysotsky deliberately uses hyperbole and grotesque to emphasize how superficially people judge by appearances. Costumes, eras change, but the hero remains the same. He emphasizes the immutability of his essence, repeating: "But I am still the same."

The repetition of the phrase "Indeed, everything is relative" takes on a sarcastic connotation. The author shows that the concept of relativity, applicable to physical laws or tastes, loses its meaning when it comes to the depth of the human personality. After all, something much more important and unchanging is hidden behind the outer shell.

The final "Be vigilant, everything is relative" sounds like a warning. Vysotsky calls not to succumb to the deceitfulness of the external, to think critically and see deeper than superficial assessments.

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