The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Conversation with wife" (Razgovor s jenoy) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The commentator from his booth

Covers us with words for show, —

But not for nothing did the club "Fiorentina"

Offer a million for Byshovets.

Well, Pele is Pele,

I explain to Zina,

Pele eats crème brûlée,

Together with Jairzinho.

I'm sitting at zero, —

Bought some junk for my wife — and I'm glad.

And Pele has a "Chevrolet"

In Rio de Janeiro.

Murom is under investigation, —

He's happy about the publicity!

Mur wouldn't have escaped from MUR here —

If we had a championship.

Well, Pele is Pele,

I explain to Zina,

Pele eats crème brûlée,

Together with Jairzinho.

I'm sitting at zero, —

Bought some junk for my wife — and I'm glad.

And Pele has a "Chevrolet"

In Rio de Janeiro.

Maybe he can't even count to a hundred, —

But I can say without further ado:

If Tostão had a second eye —

He would score twice as many goals.

Well, Pele is Pele,

I explain to Zina,

Pele has on his table

Crème brûlée

In crystal,

And I'm sitting at zero.

MUR is a play on words, referring both to the Moscow Criminal Investigations Department and the city of Murom.

Комментатор из своей кабины

Кроет нас для красного словца, —

Но недаром клуб «Фиорентины»

Предлагал мильон за Бышевца.

Что ж, Пеле, как Пеле,

Объясняю Зине я,

Ест Пеле крем-брюле,

Вместе с Жаирзинио.

Я сижу на нуле, —

Дрянь купил жене — и рад.

А у Пеле — «шевроле»

В Рио-де-Жанейро.

Муром занялась прокуратура, —

Что ему — реклама! — он и рад.

Здесь бы Мур не выбрался из МУРа —

Если б был у нас чемпионат.

Что ж, Пеле, как Пеле,

Объясняю Зине я,

Ест Пеле крем-брюле,

Вместе с Жаирзинио.

Я сижу на нуле, —

Дрянь купил жене — и рад.

А у Пеле — «шевроле»

В Рио-де-Жанейро.

Может, не считает и до ста он, —

Но могу сказать без лишних слов:

Был бы глаз второй бы у Тостао —

Он вдвое больше б забивал голов.

Ну что ж, Пеле, как Пеле,

Объясняю Зине я,

У Пеле на столе


В хрустале,

А я сижу на нуле.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Conversation with the Author's Wife" depicts a lyrical hero on the verge of despair due to his own inadequacy. He compares himself to the legendary footballer Pele. However, this comparison is built on a stark contrast and permeated with bitter irony.

The hero lists the attributes of Pele's luxurious life: "Fiorentina" offers a million for him, he eats crème brûlée with another football genius - Jairzinho, he has a "Chevrolet" in Rio. Even problems with the law turn into advertising for Pele.

In contrast, the hero paints a picture of his own meager life: he is "broke," bought his wife "junk" and is happy about it, and his sporting achievements are limited to the local level, where even "Mur" can become a star.

The recurring phrase "Well, Pele is Pele" is not so much a statement of fact as the hero's attempt to come to terms with his fate, to find an excuse for his own inadequacy. He seems to be saying, "Well, what can you do, Pele is Pele, and I am me."

The image of Pele in the song symbolizes an unattainable ideal of success, wealth, and fame. The contrast between him and the lyrical hero reveals the tragedy of the "little man" in a vast and unjust world.

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