The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Conversation on a Tram" (Razgovor v tramvae) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Citizens! Why are you shoving,

Looking for a fight and a brawl?-

Want to sit down? Long journey?.

I'll give up my seat, for God's sake!

Citizens, even drunk ones!

We are all regular passengers,

We all live, tearing off our tickets,

We all ride the tram through life...

Crowded? And you're arguing for nothing -

Why don't you move forward?

Apparently, you're impossible to reason with...

I'm no comrade of yours!

My feet are completely trampled,

There's already a hole the size of a fist in my tunic.

Wake up this man -

He's swearing in his sleep.

Citizens! Life is ending -

We can't manage to go around a third time!

"You, comrade, owe a fine - pay up!

No? Then keep riding!"

Граждане! Зачем толкаетесь,

На скандал и ссору нарываетесь?-

Сесть хотите? Дальняя дорога?.

Я вам уступлю, ради Бога!

Граждане, даже пьяные!

Все мы - пассажиры постоянные,

Все живем, билеты отрываем,

Все по жизни едем трамваем...

Тесно вам? И зря ругаетесь -

Почему вперед не продвигаетесь?

Каши с вами, видимо, не сваришь...

Никакой я вам не товарищ!

Ноги все прокопытили,

Вон уже дыра в кулак на кителе.

Разбудите этого мужчину -

Он во сне поет матерщину.

Граждане! Жизнь кончается -

Третий круг сойти не получается!

"С вас, товарищ, штраф - рассчитайтесь!

Нет? Тогда еще покатайтесь!"

In Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "Conversation on a Tram," we are presented with an allegorical picture of human life, depicted as a tram ride. The author uses satire to emphasize the absurdity of people's behavior, their aggression, and their inability to live in harmony with each other.

At the beginning of the poem, the lyrical hero, addressing the "citizens," tries to reason with them, calling for order. He is ready to give up his seat, demonstrating a willingness to show compassion and mutual assistance. The phrase "We are all permanent passengers" points to the universality of human existence, that we are all moving through life like passengers on a tram.

However, as the plot develops, the tone of the poem changes. Sarcasm and irony intensify, revealing the true nature of human relationships. The hero becomes disillusioned with the possibility of dialogue; he sees only anger, rudeness, and indifference. The image of a "hole punched through the fist on the tunic" hints at the aggressive nature of man, the propensity for violence.

The culmination of the poem is the appearance of the conductor, symbolizing the inevitability of fate, the finiteness of the human journey. "The third circle cannot be exited" - this phrase sounds like a sentence, reminding us that life has its limits.

The tram in the poem is not just a vehicle; it is a metaphor for life itself with all its contradictions, joys, and sorrows. Vysotsky masterfully uses everyday details to create a succinct and meaningful image that makes you think about the meaning of human existence, our relationships with each other, and the inevitability of the end.

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