The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Reconnaissance in force / reconnaissance by fire" (Razvedka boem) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I stand, my back to the line, -

"Volunteers only - step forward!"

We need to conduct reconnaissance by fire, -

For what purpose? Well, who knows...

Who's with me? Who will go?

So, Borisov... So, Leonov...

And that guy

From the second battalion!

We crawl, hugging the daisies, -

Hey, Sergeant, keep up!

After all, there are two front edges on the front line:

Ours, and here it is - theirs.

Who's with me? Who will go?

So, Borisov... So, Leonov...

And that guy

From the second battalion!

We gnawed the wire without fear:

The night is dark, and you can't see a thing.

Twenty paces away - enemy helmets, -

With the same goal - to protect their brains.

Who's with me? Who will go?

So, Borisov... So, Leonov...

Oh! And that guy

From the second battalion!

Soon there will be "Nadya with chocolate" -

At six, they will suppress us with fire, -

Good, that's what we need -

Godspeed, let's slowly begin!

Who will go back with me?

So, Borisov... Where's Leonov?!

Hey, are you alive? Hey, you, guy

From the second battalion!

I don't keep a bullet for myself,

The bunker is covered, the pillbox exposed...

And that guy, whom I don't know,

Is doing very well.

Who should I go with next time?

Where's Borisov? Where's Leonov?

It's true, this guy is alive,

From the second battalion.

...I stand calmly in front of the line -

This time facing it, -

It seems I've been awarded something,

Rewarded and called a fine fellow.

Who should I crawl with next time?

Where's Borisov? Where's Leonov?

And the boy fell silent,

From the second battalion...

Я стою, стою спиною к строю, -

Только добровольцы - шаг вперед!

Нужно провести разведку боем, -

Для чего - да кто ж там разберет...

Кто со мной? С кем идти?

Так, Борисов... Так, Леонов...

И еще этот тип

Из второго батальона!

Мы ползем, к ромашкам припадая, -

Ну-ка, старшина, не отставай!

Ведь на фронте два передних края:

Наш, а вот он - их передний край.

Кто со мной? С кем идти?

Так, Борисов... Так, Леонов...

И еще этот тип

Из второго батальона!

Проволоку грызли без опаски:

Ночь - темно, и не видать ни зги.

В двадцати шагах - чужие каски, -

С той же целью - защитить мозги.

Кто со мной? С кем идти?

Так, Борисов... Так, Леонов...

Ой!. Еще этот тип

Из второго батальона.

Скоро будет "Надя с шоколадом" -

В шесть они подавят нас огнем, -

Хорошо, нам этого и надо -

С богом, потихонечку начнем!

С кем обратно идти?

Так, Борисов... Где Леонов?!

Эй ты, жив? Эй ты, тип

Из второго батальона!

Пулю для себя не оставляю,

Дзот накрыт и рассекречен дот...

А этот тип, которого не знаю,

Очень хорошо себя ведет.

С кем в другой раз идти?

Где Борисов? Где Леонов?.

Правда жив этот тип

Из второго батальона.

...Я стою спокойно перед строем -

В этот раз стою к нему лицом, -

Кажется, чего-то удостоен,

Награжден и назван молодцом.

С кем в другой раз ползти?

Где Борисов? Где Леонов?

И парнишка затих

Из второго батальона...

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Reconnaissance by Fire" depicts the tragedy and absurdity of war through the eyes of an ordinary soldier. The lyrical hero volunteers for a dangerous mission - a reconnaissance by fire, not fully understanding its meaning ("Who knows why, who can figure it out...").

From the very first lines, one feels the doom and routine of war: the hero stands "with his back to the line," waiting to see who else will go to certain death. He lists names as if marking those present, but there is no pathos in this enumeration, rather bitter irony. The image of "this guy from the second battalion" is collective, depersonalized, emphasizing that in war people become cogs in a system.

The description of the battle is fragmented, conveying fear and tension: "we crawl, clinging to the daisies," "we gnawed the wire without fear." The contrast between the peaceful images ("daisies") and the military action intensifies the tragedy. The phrase "on the front line there are two front lines" is a bitter mockery of the meaninglessness of war, where both sides find themselves in an equally vulnerable position.

The song sounds the motif of waiting for imminent death: "soon there will be "Nadya with chocolate" - at six they will suppress us with fire." "Nadya" is supposedly the name of the enemy weapon, "chocolate" - explosive bullets. But the hero does not panic, but accepts his fate: "well, that's what we need - God help us, let's quietly begin!"

The culmination of the song is the death of comrades. Of the entire detachment, only the nameless "guy from the second battalion" survives, who "behaves very well." The tragedy of the situation is exacerbated by the fact that the lyrical hero does not even know the name of his dead comrade.

The ending of the song is filled with bitterness. The hero, awarded a medal, feels devastated. The question "who will I crawl with next time?" sounds rhetorical, because he knows that the war will continue to take lives. The phrase "and the boy from the second battalion fell silent" is the epilogue of the whole story, emphasizing the irreparability of losses and the senselessness of war.

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