The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Into a hut — and sing a song." (To li v izbu — i zapet) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Whether to enter the hut and sing,

Just like that, straight from the cold,

Or to just up and die

From tuberculosis,

Whether to groan without words,

Or to the sound of a guitar,

Whether to harness the troika

And ride off to "Yar"?

What a plight:

Now it's not a delight,

Now the cards don't align right!

Should I steal happiness's light,

Or simply fall out of sight?

What a plight!

To nowhere,

forevermore —

An eternal quest.

Whether it's water from the sky's door,

Or the spring flood's crest...

Maybe a song — without a word's grace,

Maybe — without an idea's embrace...

And I'm building a stove with tiles bright,

Or simply sowing seeds in the night.

How many years

without happiness's cheers,

All around — red light appears...

An unfinished bouquet, it seems,

An incomplete verse, like in dreams...

What a scheme!

To nowhere,

forevermore —

With a star in my paw's hold,

For good,

to spite them all —

In clumsy bear's claws bold...

May no one catch up to me,

May no one smell my trail...

To rest, to breathe free,

With a star, my heart to regale!

Without it,

outside of it —

Nothing is truly mine.

A joyless dwelling, you can bet,

And even fate's design...

Oh, mine!

То ли в избу — и запеть

Просто так, с морозу,

То ли взять и помереть

От туберкулезу,

То ли выстонать без слов,

То ли — под гитару,

То ли — в сани рысаков

И уехать к "Яру"?

Вот напасть:

то не всласть,

То не в масть

карту класть!

То ли счастие украсть,

То ли просто упасть?


В никуда

навсегда —

Вечное стремленье.

То ли — с неба вода,

То ль — разлив весенний...

Может, песня — без словца,

Может — без идеи...

А я строю печку в изразцах

Или просто сею.

Сколько лет

счастья нет,

Всё кругом — красный свет...

Недодаренный букет,

Недопетый куплет...


В никуда

навсегда —

Со звездою в лапах,


назло всем —

В пимах косолапых...

Не догнал бы кто-нибудь,

Не учуял запах...

Отдохнуть бы, продыхнуть

Со звездою в лапах!

Без неё,

вне её —

Ничего не моё.

Невесёлое жильё

И быльё —

и то её...


In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "To the hut and sing," we witness the existential crisis of the lyrical hero, who is torn between different paths and desires, unable to find his place in the world. The text is permeated with a sense of hopelessness and longing, expressed through a series of contrasting images and metaphors.

From the very first lines, the author juxtaposes the simple joys of life ("to the hut and sing," "to the guitar") with death ("to die of tuberculosis"). This contrast immediately sets the tone for the entire work, revealing the hero's inner struggle. He yearns for simple human happiness but sees no way out of the labyrinth of his own experiences.

"It's not to my liking, it's not in the cards" — these lines emphasize the feeling of being lost and dissatisfied. The hero rushes between extremes: "whether to steal happiness or simply fall," but neither path seems right to him.

The image of "eternal striving" to nowhere symbolizes the aimlessness of the hero's existence. He is like a spring flood - spontaneous, powerful, but without a specific goal. The song he tries to create is devoid of words and ideas, just like his life.

"For how many years there has been no happiness, everything around is a red light" — eloquently conveys the feeling of hopelessness. The hero feels that his life is wasted, like an "unfinished verse," an "unfinished bouquet."

The finale of the song brings the image of a star, with which the hero goes "to nowhere," "forever," "in spite of everyone." The star here can be interpreted as a symbol of hope, dreams, love. For its sake, the hero is ready for anything, even escape from reality, "in clumsy bast shoes." He strives to "rest, catch his breath" with it because without it "nothing is mine." His dwelling and his very being are joyless without it, emphasizing the all-encompassing nature of this unidentified "star," which holds the key to his happiness.

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