The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Here's the main entrance, but..." (Vot glavnyiy vhod, no tolko vot) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Here is the main entrance, but

I'd rather die than beg.

I enter through the back door,

And I try to exit through windows.

I don't put anyone in the grave,

But yesterday, me, all warm and cozy,

Though I can be worse myself,

They insulted me terribly.

And, spitting in the drunken mire,

And covering my face with a curtain,

I went straight through the glass,

Into the embrace of a policeman.

And me, bloodied,

Nationally acclaimed,

Just as I was – in ambition,

They brought me to the police station.

And, having punished me with their fists,

And kicking me with their feet,

They gave me a big fine

For being a hooligan.

And then, tied up,

Unjustly punished,

Kind-hearted boys

Let me sleep on the couch.

I woke up – it was still dark.

I managed to sleep and rest,

I got up and, as always, to the window -

But on the window – steel bars!

And me, patented,

Prepared for anything,

These sad bars

Plunged into an abyss of despair.

And early in the morning – believe it or not –

I got up, swaying from weakness,

And went out the door – I went out the door!

Since then, I have doubted myself.

In the world – peace and stillness,

Purity and symmetry,

In my soul – disgust,

And I live joylessly.

Вот – главный вход, но только вот

Упрашивать – я лучше сдохну

Вхожу я через черный ход

А выходить стараюсь в окна

Не вгоняю я в гроб никого

Но вчера меня, тепленького

Хоть бываю и хуже я сам

Оскорбили до ужаса

И, плюнув в пьяное мурло

И обвязав лицо портьерой

Я вышел прямо сквозь стекло

В объятья к милиционеру

И меня – окровавленного

Всенародно прославленного

Прям как был я – в амбиции

Довели до милиции

И, кулаками покарав

И попинав меня ногами

Мне присудили крупный штраф

За то, что я нахулиганил

А потом – перевязанному

Несправедливо наказанному

Сердобольные мальчики

Дали спать на диванчике

Проснулся я – еще темно

Успел поспать и отдохнуть я

Я встал и, как всегда, – в окно

Но на окне – стальные прутья!

И меня – патентованного

Ко всему подготовленного

Эти прутья печальные

Ввергли в бездну отчаянья

А рано утром – верь не верь

Я встал, от слабости шатаясь

И вышел в дверь – я вышел в дверь!

С тех пор в себе я сомневаюсь

В мире – тишь и безветрие

Чистота и симметрия

На душе моей – гадостно

И живу я безрадостно

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Here's the main entrance, but the thing is," we encounter a lyrical hero who prefers unconventional paths in life. He chooses the "back door" instead of the "main entrance," symbolizing his rejection of generally accepted norms and rules.

The hero is a rebel by nature; he does not want to obey the system and "beg," he would rather "die." He goes against the grain, looks for workarounds, as evidenced by his desire to "go out the windows."

The text contains a vivid episode demonstrating the hero's rejection of injustice. He was "insulted to the core," and, unable to restrain his emotions, he commits an impulsive act – he breaks the glass.

The image of the "drunken mug" that the hero "spat" in the face can be interpreted as a symbol of vulgarity, dullness, and philistinism, against which he rebels.

However, the hero's rebellion is constrained by the system. The police, representing power and order, punish him for violating established boundaries.

Despite the "unfair punishment," the hero is not broken. He continues to look for a way out, strives for freedom, even while in custody.

It is symbolic that at the end of the song the hero is released through the door. This may mean that he has found a way to live in harmony with himself and the world without breaking laws or engaging in open conflict.

However, the ending remains open. The hero "doubts himself," the world seems to him too "correct," "symmetrical," devoid of bright colors. He yearns for his former life, full of passions and contradictions.

Thus, Vysotsky's song is a philosophical reflection on freedom of choice, the right to rebel, and the price one has to pay for independence.

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