The meaning of the lyrics of the song "And suddenly our paths diverged." (Vot i razoschlis dorogi vdrug) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Our paths suddenly diverged:

One to the north, the other to the west, -

I feel sad when a friend departs

Suddenly, suddenly.

He's gone - not a great loss

For many people.

I don't know about others, but I believe,

Believe in friends.

A time of misfortune has come,

Footprints and souls are covered with snow,

Everything goes wrong - cry or not -

There's no friend, no friend.

He's gone - not a great loss

For many people.

I don't know about others, but I believe,

Believe in friends.

And when a friend comes back

And says: "The quarrel was a mistake,"

We'll glance at the past

With a smile, with a smile.

It's gone - not a great loss

For many people...

I don't know about others, but I believe,

Believe in friends.

Вот и разошлись пути-дороги вдруг:

Один - на север, другой - на запад, -

Грустно мне, когда уходит друг

Внезапно, внезапно.

Ушел, - невелика потеря

Для многих людей.

Не знаю, как другие, а я верю,

Верю в друзей.

Наступило время неудач,

Следы и души заносит вьюга,

Все из рук плохо - плач не плач, -

Нет друга, нет друга.

Ушел, - невелика потеря

Для многих людей.

Не знаю, как другие, а я верю,

Верю в друзей.

А когда вернется друг назад

И скажет: "Ссора была ошибкой",

Бросим на минувшее мы взгляд

С улыбкой, с улыбкой.

Ушло, - невелика потеря

Для многих людей...

Не знаю, как другие, а я верю,

Верю в друзей.

The song "And so our paths have parted suddenly" by Vladimir Vysotsky speaks about separation from a friend and the importance of friendship. The lyrical hero is experiencing the pain of a sudden parting, emphasizing his belief in friends, despite the fact that "for many people" it is "no big loss."

The text is built on the contrast between the sadness of separation and the belief in the inevitability of reunion. The first verse describes the very fact of separation: "And so our paths have parted suddenly." The image of diverging roads symbolizes the choice of different life paths that friends had to make.

The second verse deepens the experiences of the lyrical hero. He feels lonely in "times of failure" when "there is no friend." The blizzard, sweeping away traces and souls, becomes a metaphor for life's difficulties, which are difficult to overcome alone.

The third verse brings a note of optimism. The hero believes that the quarrel is temporary, and the friend will definitely return with the words: "The quarrel was a mistake." The anticipation of a joyful meeting is conveyed through the image of a smile.

The repeating refrain "He's gone, - no big loss / For many people. / I don't know about others, but I believe, / I believe in friends" emphasizes the special significance of friendship for the lyrical hero. He contrasts his faith in friends with the indifference of "many people."

Thus, Vladimir Vysotsky's song is a hymn to true friendship that stands the test of time and distance. It reminds us of the value of loyalty, support, and understanding that are so important in our lives.

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