The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Öd Tengri Yasar" by the artist "Ya#351;ru"

The text "Öd Tengri Yasar" by Ya#351;ru explores the themes of life's transience, human mortality, and the importance of a righteous path.

"God continues to exist in time, while man is created mortal" - this phrase, repeated throughout the text, draws a contrast between the eternity of the divine and the finiteness of human existence. It reminds us that a human life is but a fleeting moment against the backdrop of eternity.

"Remember, in this life you live for honor" - the author urges the reader to live their allotted time with dignity, guided by principles of honor and nobility. For it is these qualities that will leave a mark on the memory of descendants, while material possessions and fleeting pleasures will disappear without a trace.

The line "Time flows like water" is a metaphor that emphasizes the relentless passage of time. Life is fleeting and irreplaceable, each moment is precious.

The question "Will your regrets help when you lie in the cold ground?" is rhetorical. It makes us think about how we live our lives. Do we waste time on petty grievances, empty entertainment, and the pursuit of illusory happiness, or do we strive for self-improvement, do good deeds, and leave behind something meaningful?

The repetition of phrases in the text enhances their emotional impact, creating a sense of anxious yet motivating reminder of the value of every moment.

Overall, "Öd Tengri Yasar" is a philosophical reflection on the meaning of life and death, a call to appreciate the time allotted to us and to live it worthily.

Öd tengri yasar kişi oglı kop ölgeli törimiş demiş atan,

Unutma, bu hayatta her zaman onurun için yaşa

Unutma zaman bir su akıp gider,

Son pişmanlık toprakta faydamı eder?

Unutma zaman bir su akıp gider,

Son pişmanlık toprakta faydamı eder?

Öd tengri yasar kişi oglı kop ölgeli törimis demiş atan,

Dürüstlük, doğruluk olmalı daima hayat yolun.

Unutma zaman bir su akıp gider,

Son pişmanlık toprakta faydamı eder?

Unutma zaman bir su akıp gider,

Son pişmanlık toprakta faydamı eder?

Öd tengri yasar kişi oglı kop ölgeli törimis demiş atan

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