The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Cuckoo" (Kukuschka) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

How many songs are yet to be written?

Tell me, cuckoo, sing.

Should I live in the city or in the outback,

Lie like a stone or burn like a star, like a star.


My sun - look at me,

My hand has turned into a fist,

And if there's gunpowder - give me fire.

That's right...

Who will follow the lonely path?

Strong and brave

Laid down their lives in the field of battle.

Few remained in bright memory,

Sober and with a steady hand in the ranks, in the ranks.


My sun - look at me,

My hand has turned into a fist,

And if there's gunpowder - give me fire.

That's right...

Where are you now, free will? Who are you with now

Do you greet the gentle dawn? Answer me.

Good with you, but bad without you,

A patient head and shoulders under the whip, under the whip.


My sun - look at me,

My hand has turned into a fist,

And if there's gunpowder - give me fire.

That's right...

That's right...

That's right...

That's right...

That's right...

That's right...

Песен еще ненаписанных, сколько?

Скажи, кукушка, пропой.

В городе мне жить или на выселках,

Камнем лежать или гореть звездой, звездой.


Солнце мое - взгляни на меня,

Моя ладонь превратилась в кулак,

И если есть порох - дай огня.

Вот так...

Кто пойдет по следу одинокому?

Сильные да смелые

Головы сложили в поле в бою.

Мало кто остался в светлой памяти,

В трезвом уме да с твердой рукой в строю, в строю.


Солнце мое - взгляни на меня,

Моя ладонь превратилась в кулак,

И если есть порох - дай огня.

Вот так...

Где же ты теперь, воля вольная? С кем же ты сейчас

Ласковый рассвет встречаешь? Ответь.

Хорошо с тобой, да плохо без тебя,

Голову и плечи терпеливые под плеть, под плеть.


Солнце мое - взгляни на меня,

Моя ладонь превратилась в кулак,

И если есть порох - дай огня.

Вот так...

Вот так...

Вот так...

Вот так...

Вот так...

Вот так...

In the song "Kukushka" (Cuckoo), Zemfira turns to the image of the eternal and wise predictor of fate – the cuckoo, asking it questions that concern the lyrical heroine. The text is filled with existential motifs of finding one's place in life, choosing a path, and accepting one's destiny.

The very first lines – "How many unwritten songs are there? Tell me, cuckoo, sing" – demonstrate a thirst for creativity, a desire for self-realization through art. The heroine seems to be asking about her potential, about how much time she has been given to embody her ideas.

This is followed by questions about choosing a life path: "Should I live in the city or in the wilderness, lie like a stone or burn like a star, like a star". This is a metaphorical opposition of a passive existence ("lie like a stone") and a bright, but perhaps fleeting life ("burn like a star"). The heroine is searching for her own path, striving for self-determination and the realization of her potential.

The chorus addresses the "sun" – perhaps a metaphor for inner strength, life energy, or a higher power. "My palm has turned into a fist" is a symbol of readiness to fight, to defend one's values, to go against the grain. "And if there is gunpowder – give me fire" is a plea for support, for strength for decisive action.

The second verse is dedicated to the theme of loneliness and memory. The heroine reflects on the price of strength and courage, on the fact that few remain in history, in the memory of posterity. "Few remained in bright memory, in a sober mind and with a firm hand in the ranks, in the ranks" – these lines remind us of the burden of choice, of the fact that the path of the strong and independent is often thorny and lonely.

The third verse addresses "free will" – another symbol of freedom and independence. The heroine asks her where she is now, with whom. These lines can be interpreted as a longing for lost freedom, for the ease of being. "It's good with you, but it's bad without you, head and patient shoulders under the whip, under the whip" – the heroine admits that freedom requires sacrifices, that you have to pay for it.

The multiple repetitions of the chorus at the end of the song are a kind of mantra, an affirmation of fortitude, a willingness to fight and go one's own way, no matter what.

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