The meaning of the lyrics of the song "It would be great to have a cup of chifir." (Chifirnut byi nischtyak) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Sometimes it seems to me that I won't survive here and I'll break.

But somehow I find the strength, it's probably because I have you.

And I've been putting out my thoughts like cigarette butts, for three days I've been stuck in this hole,

And I'm in no hurry to return to the barracks, I'm resting here listening to the whispering silence.

Steam curls from my mouth - it doesn't matter, if only I could hold on a little longer.

Life can break you - that's true, but it doesn't manage to bend everyone.

And it's annoying, of course, to meet the New Year without old friends, without beloved girlfriends,

Having only rations for a snack.

The cold takes me firmly in its embrace at night and dives like a wedge between my ribs under my shirt.

Иногда мне кажется, что я не выживу здесь и сорвусь.

Но откуда-то берутся силы это, наверное, потому, что у меня есть ты.

А я мысли свои, как окурки тушу третьи сутке я в БУРе уже зависаю

И в барак возвращаться, никак не спешу я по сучьему шёпоту здесь отдыхаю.

Пар клубит изо рта-не беда и ещё протянуть бы чуть-чуть

Поломать может жизнь-это так но не всех удаётся согнуть.

И досадно, конечно, без старых друзей встречать Новый год без любимых подруг

Из закуски, имея, одну только пайку.

Холод крепко в объятия ночью берёт и ныряет заточкой меж рёбер под майку.

In Mikhail Krug's song "Chifirnut by Nishtyak", the lyrical hero finds himself in a difficult life situation, most likely in prison (as evidenced by the words "BUR", "barracks"). He experiences longing, loneliness, and coldness (both physical and emotional).

The hero confesses that he is close to breaking down ("Sometimes it seems to me that I will not survive here and will break down"), but finds the strength to hold on thanks to the thoughts of a loved one ("But strength comes from somewhere, it's probably because I have you").

The following verses describe the harsh everyday life: the hero spends time in the smoking room ("BUR"), not wanting to return to the barracks, finds solace in smoking ("Steam is swirling from his mouth"), reflects on the injustice of fate ("Life can break - that's the way it is, but not everyone can be broken").

The hero feels especially acutely loneliness during the holidays, when he is deprived of the opportunity to share joy with friends and loved ones ("And it's annoying, of course, to celebrate the New Year without old friends, without beloved girlfriends"). The only consolation is meager food ("Having only one ration from the snacks") and memories.

The final lines of the song convey a sense of hopelessness and despair: the cold that pierces the hero symbolizes not only physical suffering, but also emotional pain, loneliness, and hopelessness.

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