The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Electric train, commuter train" (Elektrichka) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

The train will arrive and depart. I'll stay for a few days,

To let time pass without cares, to meet my fairy.

To let time pass without cares, to meet my fairy.

Perhaps I already miss her kind and gentle eyes.

What sings in my soul - maybe she's missing it now.

What sings in my soul - maybe she's missing it now.

Muse, enough of sitting locked up! We'll sing and drink all night long.

For to finish the drink means to leave, and how I don't want to leave.

For to finish the drink means to leave, and how I don't want to leave.

Mother, don't wait! Tonight, your drunken daughter will only return home by morning.

Your daughter, the playful one, has given me peace of mind all night.

Your daughter, the playful one, has given me peace of mind all night.

I fell asleep on someone else's sheet, like a wanderer at the gates of paradise.

So carefully, my fairy lays her hands on my shoulders as I'm drunk.

The snow-covered platform, the train won't stay long.

I will enter this sleepy carriage, to come back tomorrow.

I will enter this sleepy carriage, to come back tomorrow.

Электричка придет и уйдет. Я останусь на несколько дней,

Чтобы время прошло без забот, чтобы встретиться с феей своей.

Чтобы время прошло без забот, чтобы встретиться с феей своей.

Может, мне не хватает уже ее добрых и ласковых глаз.

Что поет у меня на душе - может ей не хватает сейчас.

Что поет у меня на душе - может ей не хватает сейчас.

Муза, хватит сидеть взаперти! Будем петь и всю ночь будем пить.

Ведь допить - это значит уйти, как не хочется мне уходить.

Ведь допить - это значит уйти, как не хочется мне уходить.

Мать, не жди! Нынче пьяная дочь лишь под утро вернется домой.

Дочь твоя, баловница, всю ночь мне дарила душевный покой.

Дочь твоя, баловница, всю ночь мне дарила душевный покой.

Я уснул на чужой простыне, словно путник у райских ворот.

Осторожно так, пьяному мне фея руки на плечи кладет.

Запорошенный снегом перрон, электричке недолго стоять.

Я войду в этот сонный вагон, чтобы завтра приехать опять.

Я войду в этот сонный вагон, чтобы завтра приехать опять.

In Mikhail Krug's song "Elektrichka" ("Electric Train"), we are presented with a story of a lyrical hero longing for inspiration and solace in the arms of his muse. The electric train serves as a symbol of time's fleeting nature and the transience of life. The hero appears frozen in anticipation of a meeting that will allow him to forget his worries and anxieties.

The image of the "fairy" is multifaceted. On one hand, it could represent a real woman who brings love and affection to the hero. On the other hand, the "fairy" is a metaphor for creative inspiration, a muse, without whom the hero feels empty. The repetition of the lines "For time to pass without worries, to meet my fairy" emphasizes the significance of this encounter, the hero's desire to break free from routine and find peace of mind.

The hero's inner conflict is reflected in the lines "What sings in my soul - maybe she lacks it now." He feels the need for intimacy but is uncertain if this feeling is mutual. The address to the muse ("Muse, stop sitting locked up!") testifies to the hero's desire to create. However, he needs to free himself from the burden of everyday life to achieve this.

The image of the intoxicating night is a metaphor for creative ecstasy, allowing one to forget oneself and release emotions. The hero confesses his weakness ("Mother, don't wait! Tonight, your drunken daughter will only return home by morning"), justifying his behavior by seeking inspiration. The meeting with the "naughty daughter" brings the hero the desired peace, which he compares to heavenly bliss ("I fell asleep on someone else's sheets, like a traveler at the gates of paradise").

The ending of the song is filled with the sadness of parting. The "snow-covered platform" is a symbol of the cold reality to which the hero is forced to return. However, hope for a new meeting remains: "I will enter this sleepy carriage, to return again tomorrow." The electric train becomes a peculiar bridge between the gray everyday life and the world of creativity, to which the hero strives to return again and again.

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