The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Euphemism for the past" (Evfemizm o proschlom) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

What are you living for, Mother Russia, and what sorrows you? Are you – devil in your ribs – about to give birth these days?

There used to be a shout in the queue: "Step aside, comrades! Masha, don't print the receipt!" This was Russia all over!

What happened, what's the matter? Mouths agape, they watched the sky, could it be that no one but the party can raise them right?

Why have all the poets vanished from the Motherland, and why couldn't they accept Volodya in time?

Has the rusty horseshoe fallen from the doorpost, or has the vagabond wind scattered the haystacks,

Or has the former greedy hand squeezed all the juices from the sovereign wood for medals?

After all, this former hand, that taught from childhood: "Do not kill or steal!" - how did it happen then -

It stole by the ton, beat talents by the thousands and ground with its tongue, as if with a millstone.

Yes, it's not easy for Russia: they fooled her for so many years, the people drank, the steel grew stronger - so they drank again.

Everyone carried banners, and trembled like rabbits, and stretched their hands up, and sang about love.

Oh, how I couldn't believe it - and it was scary to say! - that Russia, stupidity, and fat have grown into its flesh,

It seemed like we were riding together, but those who got off the train - were echoed from the stage - were called out later.

And this morning I got up - it seems like it's easier to breathe, like my stomach has shrunk and I'm light on my feet -

Either I quit smoking, or it smells like cherries, or the earth has been refreshed by golden rain?

Come on, Mother Russia, spin the carousel, bring your Neva bridges closer,

The ones built by Peter at your bend, let them serve - after all, they don't stand for beauty!

Чем живешь, Россия-мать, и о чем печалишься? Неужели - бес в ребро - нынче на сносях?

Был ведь в очереди крик: "Разойдись, товарищи! Маша, чек не пробивай!" Все - Россия вся!

Что случилось, в чем дела? Рты разинув, бдили ввысь, что же - кроме партии некем воспитать?

Да что же так у Родины все поэты вывелись,- и Володю вовремя не могли принять?

Иль упала с косяка та подкова ржавая, или ветер-набудняк разметал стога,

Иль все соки выжала из древка державного до медалей жадная бывшая рука?

Ведь рука-то бывшая, что учила сызмальства: "Не убей да не своруй!" - как потом взошло,-

Воровала тоннами, таланты била - тыщами и мелила языком, словно помелом.

Да, Росси нелегко: столько лет дурачили, пил народ, крепчала сталь - значит, пили вновь.

Все тащили транспаранты, да тряслись по-заячьи, да тянули руки вверх, да пели про любовь.

Ой, как мне не верилось - и сказать-то было боязно!- что Россия, дурь и жир приросли нутром,

Вроде, вместе ехали, а тем, кто вышел с поезда,- как аукнулось со сцены - кликнулось потом.

А сегодня утром встал - вроде, легче дышится, вроде, меньше стал живот и легок на подъем,-

То ли бросил я курить, то ли пахнет вишнями, то ли землю освежило золотым дождем?

Ну давай, Россия-мать, карусель раскручивай, да своди-ка ты свои Невские мосты,

Наведенные Петром у твоей излучины, так пусть послужат - ведь стоят не для красоты!

In his song "Euphemism about the Past," Mikhail Krug addresses the image of Mother Russia, expressing his pain and bitter irony about her past and present.

"What are you living with, Mother Russia, and what are you sad about? Is the devil in your ribs now expecting a child?" - the song begins with these lines, and one can already feel the caustic grin. The author hints at the chaos and confusion ("the devil in your ribs") reigning in the country, wondering what this "pregnancy" of chaos will result in.

Further, Krug paints a picture of Soviet reality, full of falsehood and hypocrisy: queues, empty slogans, a lack of moral guidelines ("what, besides the party, is there to teach?").

"Or did that rusty horseshoe fall from the lintel, or did the drunken wind scatter the haystacks, or did the greedy former hand squeeze all the juices out of the sovereign wood for medals?" - In these lines, the author searches for a metaphorical explanation for the reasons for Russia's decline, hinting at the destruction of foundations ("horseshoe"), wastefulness ("drunken wind"), and corruption ("greedy former hand").

Krug does not mince words in describing the hypocrisy of the Soviet government, which "taught from childhood: 'Do not kill or steal!'" but itself "Stole by the ton, beat talents by the thousands, and ground with its tongue like a broom."

"Oh, how I didn't want to believe it - and it was scary to even say it! - that stupidity and fat have become one with Russia's flesh" - the author admits that for a long time he did not want to believe that Russia was mired in problems.

The finale of the song leaves hope for change. The lyrical hero feels "easier to breathe," as if something has changed for the better. He urges Mother Russia to "spin the carousel," "bring together the Neva bridges," use her potential created by her ancestors ("Built by Peter at your bend, let them serve - they do not stand for beauty alone!").

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