The meaning of the lyrics of the song "This name" (Eto imya) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

These tears, the tear-stained look, that name not beside me.

I can't go back, I can't go to her with flowers in the spring.

This pain doesn't let me go to another, this pain is impossible to chase away,

Because since we parted ways, I can't visit, nor write a letter.


And somewhere out there the snow fell for so long, and summer rain gives way to leaf fall.

And no matter how many happy days there were, they, like birds, will fly away and take her with them,

Leaving pain.

I carved her name forever, I dedicated so many poems to her.

The white snow buried my pain, I gave her my heart.

How many bright dreams I saw with her, I looked at her, breathless.

I can't go to her with a bouquet of flowers, I can't, only my soul weeps.


And somewhere out there the snow fell for so long, and summer rain gives way to leaf fall.

And no matter how many happy days there were, they, like birds, will fly away and take her with them,

Leaving pain.

And somewhere out there the snow fell for so long, and summer rain gives way to leaf fall.

And no matter how many happy days there were, they, like birds, will fly away and take her with them,

Leaving pain. Leaving pain. Leaving pain. Leaving pain.

Эти слёзы, заплаканный взгляд, это имя не рядом со мной.

Мне никак возвратиться назад, мне никак к ней с цветами весной.

Эта боль не пускает к другой, эту боль невозможно прогнать,

Ведь с тех пор, как расстались с тобой ни придти, ни письма написать.


А где-то там так долго падал снег, и летний дождь сменяет листопад.

И сколько б не было счастливых дней, они, как птицы, улетят и унесут её с собой,

Оставив боль.

Я колол её имя навек, я ей столько стихов посвятил.

Мою боль засыпал белый снег, я ей сердце своё подарил.

Сколько видел я с ней ярких снов, я глядел на неё, не дыша.

Мне никак к ней с букетом цветов, мне никак, только плачет душа.


А где-то там так долго падал снег, и летний дождь сменяет листопад.

И сколько б не было счастливых дней, они, как птицы, улетят и унесут её с собой,

Оставив боль.

А где-то там так долго падал снег, и летний дождь сменяет листопад.

И сколько б не было счастливых дней, они, как птицы, улетят и унесут её с собой,

Оставив боль. Оставив боль. Оставив боль. Оставив боль.

This text, titled "Это имя" ("This Name") by Mikhail Krug, describes a deep, all-consuming pain of lost love. The lyrical hero is tormented by the inability to turn back time, to see his beloved again, to give her flowers. He is shackled by memories of happy days, which now seem so distant and unattainable.

The image of snow falling "for so long" symbolizes frozen time, the hero's inability to let go of the past and move on. The changing seasons (summer rain and falling leaves) emphasize the cyclical nature of life, while happiness is likened to birds that "will fly away and take her with them," leaving behind only emptiness and pain.

The phrase "Это имя" ("This Name") takes on a symbolic meaning, personifying not only the name of the beloved but also the whole gamut of feelings associated with her. The hero carved this name on his heart ("I carved her name forever"), dedicated poems to her, gave her his love ("I gave her my heart"). Now this name has become synonymous with his suffering, a reminder of his irretrievable loss.

The repetition of the chorus at the end of the song intensifies the feeling of hopelessness and longing. The hero is left alone with his pain, which, it seems, will never subside.

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