The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I'm sobbing uncontrollably." (Ya gorko ryidayu (Process)) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

The trial was over and as they led us out, you tried to tell me something with your eyes -

Your lips whispered something excitedly, but my heart couldn't guess.

And my friend Andryukha sobbed like a child, and the guard Kutsenko was glad of it.

I sob bitterly, I suffer bitterly - no one will return freedom back.

My friends were convicted and given extra time, deprived of their freedom for ten and five years,

And I was considered dangerous to life, and they sentenced me to be shot.

And now I'm sitting here, waiting to be shot, and I'm thinking my thoughts on my bunk:

To see my old mother before death and this girl I sing about.

To see my old mother before death and this girl I sing about.

Окончен процесс и нас выводили ты что-то хотела мне взглядом сказать -

Взволнованно губы мне что-то шептали, но сердце мое не могло отгадать.

А друг мой Андруха рыдал как ребенок, и опер Куценко был этому рад

Я горько рыдаю, я горько страдаю - никто не воротит свободы назад.

Друзей осудили и дали с запасом, лишили свободы на десять и пять,

А меня посчитали для жизни опасным, и вынесли приговор меня расстрелять.

И вот я сижу, дожидаюсь расстрела, и думаю думу на нарах свою:

Увидеть старушку мать мою перед смертью и девочку эту о которой пою.

Увидеть старушку мать мою перед смертью и девочку эту о которой пою.

The song "I am Weeping Bitterly (The Trial)" by Mikhail Krug tells the story of a man unjustly convicted and sentenced to death. The lyrics are filled with pain, despair, and longing for freedom and loved ones.

The lines "The trial is over, and as they led us out, you tried to tell me something with your eyes - Your lips whispered something excitedly, but my heart couldn't guess" convey the drama of the moment of parting with his beloved. The hero sees her desperate attempts to say something, to support him, but he has already resigned himself to his fate and expects nothing good from life.

The hero's friend, Andryukha, cannot hold back his emotions and cries, which only pleases the operative officer Kutsenko. This detail emphasizes the cruelty and inhumanity of the system that has deprived people of hope and condemned them to suffering.

The phrase "I am weeping bitterly, I am suffering bitterly - no one can turn back freedom" conveys the depth of the lyrical hero's despair. He understands that the sentence is final and cannot be appealed.

The following lines describe the injustice of the verdict: the friends received long prison sentences, and the hero, considered dangerous, was sentenced to death.

The last lines of the song are the most poignant. While awaiting execution, the hero dreams of seeing the people dearest to him - his mother and the beloved about whom he sang his songs. This dream is the last thread connecting him with life, filling his last days with meaning.

Thus, the song "I am Weeping Bitterly (The Trial)" is a story about injustice, pain, and despair, but at the same time about the strength of spirit, love, and hope that help a person to withstand even in the face of death.

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