The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I was chilling on Gagarin Street." (Ya na Gagarina koptel) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

With no prospects, no good will, I enter Tver, straight from the yard, as they say, solely through connections.

I stewed in Gagarin's town, while the investigator toiled and pored, but I insisted I was innocent.

We were supposed to hit the cashier's in Volochek, but got busted in Torzhok, and even then, we fell for Kadet's trickery – he cracked.

I'll pay him back in full, the time will come, oh, if only we knew there was a snitch among us!

I never gave in, I'd either be the boss or fall, I endured prison life since I was a youngster.

The warden prods, the case is sewn, well, try it – he'll give in! He won't tie up loose ends, just a bird in a cage.

I remember the first time I got locked up, went all in, that's where I met Vityukha – what a pal he was!

Wouldn't share his tea with a tough guy, later ended up one himself, and if he tells you something – you don't argue!

He was a god on the guitar, even Dolsky couldn't play like that, but sadly, he ended up under the tower – all because of a woman.

They took him right before my eyes, I cried, but Vityok said: "Don't, Zhora, at least wait for the trial!"

The judge finished, the courtroom gasped, and Vitka sang: "Train station market!" – and his smile is still imprinted in my memory.

They led me away in handcuffs, and just as we entered the cell – I realized, we were caught good this time…

Без перспективы, без добра я в Тверь въезжаю со двора, как говорится, исключительно по блату.

Я на Гагарина коптел, пока следак шил и корпел, но я твердил, что я ни в чём не виноватый.

Мы брали кассу в Волочке, а завалились на Торжке, и то на понт Кадета взяли — раскололся.

Ему припомню всё сполна, ещё настанут времена, о, кабы знать, что среди нас стукач нашёлся!

Я никогда не пасовал, я или пан, или пропал, я жизнь тюремную тянул по малолетке.

Начальник колет, дело шьёт, ну-ну, попробуй — во даёт! Концы с концами не сведёт, а птичка в клетке.

Я помню, первый раз торчал, на всю катушку отмотал, там познакомился с Витюхой — во был кореш!

С бугром чайку не поделил, потом и сам в буграх ходил, и если скажет поперёк — с ним не поспоришь!

Он на гитаре — ас и бог, сам Дольский так играть не мог, но жаль, под вышку подкатил — всё из-за бабы.

А брали на моих глазах, я плакал, но Витёк сказал: "Не надо, Жора, подожди процесс хотя бы!"

Судья закончил, ахнул зал, а Витька спел: "Базар-вокзал!" — и до сих пор в глазах стоит его улыбка.

Меня в наручниках вели, а только в камеру зашли — я понял, что сейчас попались очень крепко...

The song "I Was Smoking on Gagarin Street" by Mikhail Krug tells a story of a lyrical hero and his complicated life path full of mistakes, betrayals, and hardships.

With no prospects, no good, I enter Tver from the courtyard, as they say, exclusively through connections.

The hero returns to Tver with neither plans for the future nor hope for the better. The phrase "through connections" indicates that his return is connected to his criminal past and not a desire to start a new life.

I was smoking on Gagarin Street while the investigator was stitching and toiling, but I kept saying that I was innocent.

"Smoking" on Gagarin Street is a metaphor for being in a detention center, presumably located on Gagarin Street. The hero denies his guilt, claiming that he is being "stitched up," meaning that the case against him is fabricated.

We were robbing a cash register in Volochek, but we got busted in Torzhok, and all because of Kadet's bluff – he cracked.

These lines reveal the hero's criminal past. They describe a failed robbery, for which the hero blames Kadet, who likely betrayed his accomplices.

I'll remember everything he did, the time will come, oh, if only I knew that there was a snitch among us!

The hero is determined to take revenge on Kadet, considering him a traitor. He bitterly regrets not recognizing the betrayal earlier.

I never gave up, I'd rather be a king or die trying, I've been through prison life since I was a juvenile.

The hero presents himself as a strong person, accustomed to fighting to the end ("king or die trying"). He has been familiar with prison life for a long time, starting his journey from a juvenile detention center.

The chief is pressing, fabricating the case, well, well, just try it – he's going all out! He won't be able to tie up all the loose ends, but the bird is already in a cage.

Despite the hero's attempts to prove his innocence, the system is against him. The "chief" (investigator) is falsifying evidence to get a conviction.

I remember the first time I was inside, I served my full term, that's where I met Vityukha – now he was a true friend!

He recalls his first prison term, which he served in full. An important part of this story is his acquaintance with Vityukha, a true friend who was always ready to support him in difficult times.

He got into a fight with the big boss over some tea, then he himself became a boss, and if he said something, you wouldn't argue with him!

Vityukha is a tough and principled person. The conflict with the "big boss" (the main prisoner) shows his uncompromising nature.

He was an ace and a god on the guitar, even Dolsky couldn't play like that, but it's a shame, he ended up on death row – all because of a woman.

Vityukha had a talent for playing the guitar, surpassing, according to the author, even Alexander Dolsky himself. Vityukha's tragic fate is connected with a woman, because of whom he committed a crime that led him to death row.

They took him away right before my eyes, I cried, but Vityok said: 'Don't, Zhora, at least wait for the trial!'

The hero witnesses his friend's arrest. Despite the gravity of the situation, Vityukha remains calm and supports the hero.

The judge finished, the courtroom gasped, and Vityka sang: 'End of story!' – and his smile is still imprinted in my memory.

The phrase "End of story!" is prison slang, meaning "end of discussion." Despite being sentenced to death, Vityukha retains his dignity and does not lose his composure.

They were leading me in handcuffs, and as soon as we entered the cell, I realized that we were in very serious trouble now...

The ending of the song leaves the hero in an oppressive atmosphere of hopelessness. He faces a new term, and this time he realizes that it will be very difficult to get out.

Mikhail Krug's song is not just a story about crime. It is a story about friendship, betrayal, fatal accidents, and the injustice of fate. It is a story about a man who, despite all the trials, retained his loyalty to his principles and the memory of a true friend.

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