The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I crossed Siberia..." (Ya proschyol Sibir...) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I crossed Siberia, shod in bast shoes, listening to the songs of old shepherds.

Nightfall was approaching, the wind was blowing from the Caspian shores.

You entered, like in an untold fairy tale, you left without remembering me.

I was left to grieve with my guitar, because you left with another.

I was left to grieve with my guitar, because you left with another.

Maybe I shouldn't be sad when roses begin to bloom.

There's no one to offer these roses from a young garden to now.

Oh, they've done me in, the dogs, they've done me in! They've taken away my freedom.

My golden curls have turned gray, it seems I'm standing at the edge of the abyss.

My golden curls have turned gray, it seems I'm standing at the edge of the abyss.

Я прошёл Сибирь, в лаптях обутый, слушал песни старых чабанов.

Надвигались сумерки ночные, ветер дул с каспийских берегов.

Ты вошла, как в несказанной сказке, ты ушла, не вспомнив обо мне.

Я остался тосковать с гитарой, потому что ты ушла с другим.

Я остался тосковать с гитарой, потому что ты ушла с другим.

Может, мне печалиться не надо, когда розы начинают цвесть.

Эти розы с молодого сада некому теперь мне приподнесть.

Эх, приморили, суки, приморили! Отобрали волюшку мою.

Золотые кудри поседели, знать, у края пропасти стою.

Золотые кудри поседели, знать, у края пропасти стою.

The song "I crossed Siberia..." by Mikhail Krug is filled with a deep sense of longing and lost love. The lyrical hero, who has gone through harsh trials ("I crossed Siberia, shod in bast shoes..."), meets a girl who becomes a breath of fresh air for him ("You entered like in an unspeakable fairy tale..."). However, their encounter turns out to be fleeting, and she leaves with another, leaving the hero alone with his heartache (" left without remembering me. I was left to grieve with my guitar, because you left with another").

Despite the hero's attempts to find solace in the spring bloom ("Maybe I shouldn't grieve when roses begin to bloom..."), his heart is still gripped by longing. He realizes that he has no one to give these "roses from a young garden" to. The image of roses here symbolizes a new life, a new love, which, alas, are inaccessible to the hero.

The final lines of the song, filled with bitterness and despair ("Oh, they've finished me off, the bitches, finished me off! They've taken away my will. My golden curls have turned gray, it seems I'm standing on the edge of the abyss"), indicate that the loss he has experienced has left a deep mark on his soul. He feels broken, aged, standing on the edge of an abyss. "Golden curls" that have turned gray from grief are a metaphor that conveys the depth of his mental suffering.

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