The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I sat there, crumpling someone else's dress..." (Ya sidel i tormoschil chujoe plate...) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I sat there, fidgeting with someone else's dress. Ash fell from my smoldering cigarette.

'You know, Kolya, these drunken debates are getting as tiresome as Odessa couplets.

Take a smoke break tonight, Kolya, drop by my place unexpectedly with a bottle of our vodka.

You love listening to songs with a guitar, holding a girl tight - that's something else!

And you don't waste precious minutes on every sly little thing.

Sasha Pushkin must have exclaimed about you: "Our Kolya, of the purest feminine attributes."

The words ring true: 'The less we love a woman', the more time we have left for another.

In dreams and fantasies, pondering the miracle of a woman's joy - where to find it, that kind of joy?...

There were many words, claims, and protests from all those you left unloved:

You lied shamelessly about Nadya the karate expert and about your conflicts with your ex-wife.

What would Pushkin say about you, you selfless apostate of light, friend of nature, but without limits?

You flew off to a distant land after your wedding, to the side with the merry ghost of freedom.

What scenes in Polubratovo have been forgotten - the whole door plastered with vodka labels.

You were known there as the original 'Aibolit': "Rub some 'balm' on it - it'll all pass before the wedding, no worries."

Я сидел и тормошил чужое платье. Пепел стряхивал с дымящей сигареты.

"Знаешь, Колька, эти пьяные дебаты надоели, как одесские куплеты.

Перекуришь, Колька, вечером, нежданно забежишь ко мне с бутылкой нашей водки,

Ты ведь любишь слушать песни под гитару, обнимая крепко девушку — это что-то!

И на каждую лукавую простушку ты не тратишь драгоценные минуты.

Про тебя воскликнул, видно, Саша Пушкин: "Наш Коля самых чистых женских атрибутов".

Слова верны: "Чем меньше женщину мы любим", тем больше времени в остатке на другую,

В мечтах и грёзах, размышлениях о чуде про бабью радость — где б её найти, такую?..

Немало было слов, претензий и протестов со стороны всех, недолюбленных тобою:

Ты лгал бессовестно про Надю-каратистку и про свои конфликты с бывшею женою.

Как скажет Пушкин о тебе, но не предел, самозабвен отступник света, друг природы.

Ты в край далёкий после свадьбы полетел на сторону с весёлым призраком свободы.

Какие сцены в Полубратове забыты — вся дверь обклеена наклейками от водки.

Ты там прослыл оригинальным "Айболитом": "Помажь "бальзамом" — всё пройдёт до свадьбы, что там".

In the song "I sat and fiddled with a stranger's dress..." Mikhail Krug paints a portrait of a lyrical hero - Kolya, who appears before us as a lover of drink, revelry, and possessing a frivolous attitude towards women.

The author ironically describes Kolya's adventures, his love affairs, and his penchant for exaggeration and fabrication. The text highlights several key themes:

Cynicism and disillusionment in love: The weariness of "drunken debates," comparing them to tiresome couplets, speaks of a certain satiety and disappointment in relationships.

Superficiality and consumerist attitude towards women: Kolya does not waste time on "cunning simpletons," changing them like gloves. He is only interested in momentary pleasure, as evidenced by the phrase "hugging a girl tightly - that's something!".

Lies and pretense: The hero does not shy away from lies, inventing fables about himself ("conflicts with his ex-wife", "Nadya-karateka").

Search for freedom and new sensations: The image of Kolya, flying "to a faraway land after the wedding" with the "ghost of freedom," speaks of his desire for independence and unwillingness to bind himself with obligations.

Using irony, sarcasm, and allusions to Pushkin, Krug creates an image of a kind of modern Don Juan who, despite his seeming self-confidence, is actually deeply unhappy in his pursuit of fleeting pleasures.

The image of the door in Polubratovo "plastered with vodka stickers" serves as a metaphor for the hero's dissolute life, and the nickname "Aibolit" emphasizes his frivolous attitude towards the consequences of his actions.

The song leaves a bitter aftertaste, forcing one to think about the price of freedom, responsibility for one's actions, and the true values in life.

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