The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I've been through it all." (Ya uje vsyo perejila) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

How to be loved and to love in return, how to forget all the hurt, and how to survive the separation when there's no strength left?

I tore off the last page of the calendar, I waited, but in vain - in love, men are like this: said and forgot.

And now I buy flowers for myself, and my dreams call me somewhere far away, towards brighter days.

I'll press the flowers warmly to my chest... But it would be better if you didn't come back when you see me happy.


What was destined by fate, I gave to you in this life. And if only I knew

That you would appear at my door and suddenly realize - you came for nothing, when the station is empty and there's no one to meet you.

How wrong I was about you, about love, about happiness, about destiny... And here you are, standing with a big bouquet of roses.

I've already lived through it all. How long I waited for you! You came back, but you didn't bring happiness.


What was destined by fate, I gave to you in this life. And if only I knew

That you would appear at my door and suddenly realize - you came for nothing, when the station is empty and there's no one to meet you.

What was destined by fate, I gave to you in this life. And if only I knew

That you would appear at my door and suddenly realize - you came for nothing, when the station is empty and there's no one to meet you.

Как быть любимой и любить, как все обиды позабыть и как разлуку пережить, когда нет сил?

Последний лист календаря оторвала, ждала, а зря — в любви мужчины таковы: сказал — забыл.

И вот сама себе цветы я покупаю, а мечты меня куда-то вдаль зовут и к светлым дням.

Цветы прижму тепло к груди... Но лучше б ты не приходил, когда увидишь ты счастливую меня.


Что предназначено в судьбе, я в жизни отдала тебе. И если б знать,

Что ты появишься в дверях и вдруг поймёшь — приехал зря, когда пустой вокзал и некому встречать.

Как ошибалась я в тебе, в любви, и счастье, и судьбе... И вот ты здесь стоишь с большим букетом роз.

Я всё уже пережила. Как долго я тебя ждала! Вернулся ты, да только счастья не принёс.


Что предназначено в судьбе, я в жизни отдала тебе. И если б знать,

Что ты появишься в дверях и вдруг поймёшь — приехал зря, когда пустой вокзал и некому встречать.

Что предназначено в судьбе, я в жизни отдала тебе. И если б знать,

Что ты появишься в дверях и вдруг поймёшь — приехал зря, когда пустой вокзал и некому встречать.

In Mikhail Krug's song "I've Already Experienced It All," the lyrical heroine reflects on the pain of a broken relationship. She ponders questions about how to love and be loved again, how to forgive past hurts, and how to cope with separation.

The heroine is tired of waiting for a man who "said it and forgot." She takes charge of her life, buys herself flowers, and looks towards the future with hope. She is no longer broken, she has "already experienced it all."

The hero's appearance with flowers brings her no joy. She realizes that he has returned in vain - to an "empty station" where no one is waiting for him. The heroine has let go of the past and no longer has feelings for him.

The main idea of the song is that you need to be able to let go of the past and move on. Don't dwell on past grievances and wait for the return of someone who didn't appreciate you. You need to find the strength to enjoy life and believe in a brighter future.

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