The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Yaroslavskaya" the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

A chick in a chic dress, Paris style, a necklace worth a Mercedes 600,

Walked into the bar, and Osip's jaw dropped, a spark of interest ignited within...

No matter how you slice it, she's quite something...

And I tell my darling: "Let's go home, I'll be back in an hour,"

But my eyes are glued to this girl, thinking I'll fall in love like the first time. Forget first or second!

I'll say to her: "Please, have a seat!" and pull out a chair with my foot,

I'll book us rooms at the Svecha, we'll take a stroll through Yaroslavl.

I'll show you the Bristol Hotel, Tveritskaya Embankment, and the old Volkovsky Theatre,

Where Carambolage buffoons used to dance and step on the toes of shy young ladies.

Not tired? Let's go, you're so lovely, and your dress size is breathtakingly sexy,

You've ignited a fire in me, but I'm married - these feelings are wrong!

No vodka or wine for me tonight, let the Yaroslavl gangsters have their fun,

I don't need a headache today, and enough dough has been spent on sweets and biscuits.

Let's head to the Svecha, Vaksman is waiting for us, and if any doubts about morality should arise,

Consider it a little joke! And danke schön - you'll be impressed!

Девчонка - платье шик аля Париж, колье - на шестисотый Мерседес,-

Пришла в кабак - и Осип в нем завис, и разбудила в теле интерес...

Как ни крути - она при всем...

И я своей любимой говорю: Давай домой, я буду через час,-

А сам на эту девочку смотрю и думаю - влюблюсь как в первый раз. Да что там первый и второй!

Я ей скажу: Садитесь, милая! - и стул ногой отставлю,

Я номера нам в Свечке закажу,- мы прогуляемся с тобой по Ярославлю.

Я покажу тебе гостиницу Бристоль, Тверицкий бор и старый Волковский театр,

Где фраера плясали Карамболь и наступали скромным барышням на пятки.

Не устала? - ну пойдем, ты так мила, и твой размер вздыхает очень сексуально,

И ты во мне все чувства разожгла, но я женат - мне эти чувства аморальны!

Не надо мне сегодня водки и вина, пусть отдыхают ярославские бандиты,

Мне головная боль сегодня не нужна, и хватит пресса на пантюшки и бисквиты.

Поехали в Свечу,- нас Ваксман ждет,- и если вам закрались невзначай сомненья

Насчет морали - это маленький прикол! И данке шон - вы будете под впечатленьем!

In Mikhail Krug's song "Yaroslavskaya," the protagonist faces a conflict typical of his work: the struggle between loyalty and temptation. On one hand, we see a married man who values family comfort ("Let's go home, I'll be there in an hour"). On the other hand, he can't resist the charms of a glamorous stranger ("A girl - a chic dress à la Paris...").

The image of the girl is deliberately flashy: expensive clothes, an expensive car - signs of a luxurious life that inevitably attract attention in a provincial tavern. The hero is overwhelmed by the desire to impress her, immersing her in an atmosphere of a beautiful life: a luxurious hotel room, walks around the sights of Yaroslavl, promises of special treatment ("Vaksman is waiting for us").

However, behind the ostentatious bravado, an inner struggle is visible. The hero realizes the immorality of his desires ("but I am married - these feelings are immoral for me!"), seeks excuses ("About morality - this is a small joke!"). He tries to drown out remorse by refusing alcohol ("I don't need a headache today"), but he is unable to resist the temptation.

The ending of the song remains open, leaving the listener to wonder what choice the hero will make. "Danke schön - you will be impressed!" - this phrase can be interpreted in two ways: as a promise of an unforgettable date and as a cynical game where feelings mean nothing.

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