The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Ah, I will drown in the Western Dvina..." (Ah, utonu ya v Zapadnoy Dvine...) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Ah, I will drown in the Western Dvina,

Or die somehow in another way,-

The country will not grieve for me,

But my comrades will weep for me.

They will carry me to the cemetery,

Forgive debts and old grudges.

I cancel the military salute,

I don't need a civilian funeral service.

There will be no mournful newspapers in the morning,

Subscribers will not lament for me,

Farewell, Central Committee,

Oh, the anthem will not be played over me.

I never rode an elephant,

Had great misfortunes in love,

The country will not grieve for me,

But my comrades will weep for me.

Ах, утону я в Западной Двине

Или погибну как-нибудь иначе,-

Страна не пожалеет обо мне,

Но обо мне товарищи заплачут.

Они меня на кладбище снесут,

Простят долги и старые обиды.

Я отменяю воинский салют,

Не надо мне гражданской панихиды.

Не будет утром траурных газет,

Подписчики по мне не зарыдают,

Прости-прощай, Центральный Комитет,

Ах, гимна надо мною не сыграют.

Я никогда не ездил на слоне,

Имел в любви большие неудачи,

Страна не пожалеет обо мне,

Но обо мне товарищи заплачут.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Oh, I will drown in the Western Dvina..." the lyrical hero reflects with irony and bitterness on his own death and how it will be perceived by society. The text is built on the contrast between the official, indifferent attitude of the state ("The country will not regret me") and the sincere grief of close friends ("But my comrades will cry for me").

The hero anticipates the formality and pomp of official mourning events ("I cancel the military salute... I don't need a civil funeral service... Oh, they won't play the anthem over me"), which seem inappropriate and hypocritical to him. He contrasts them with real feelings, the emotional pain of friends who will forgive him all offenses and truly mourn.

The image of the "elephant" and the mention of "big failures" in love add existential notes to the song. The hero does not claim to be a hero and acknowledges his life's failures.

In general, the song "Oh, I will drown in the Western Dvina..." is a bitter reflection on life and death, on the value of true feelings and the hypocrisy of official rituals. It makes you think about what is really important in life and what kind of mark we leave on the hearts of loved ones.

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