The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Indian summer" (Babe leto) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The maples have painted the city

With a color quite magical,

That means very soon

Indian summer, Indian summer.

That means very soon

Indian summer, Indian summer.

And my mother scolds me,

That I'm not home at night

That I'm drunk too often

In Indian summer, Indian summer.

That I'm drunk too often

In Indian summer, Indian summer.

And I'm secretly spinning

With the windiest of women,

And I've been looking for one like this,

No more, no less.

And I've been looking for one like this,

No more, no less.

And I forgot when I was home,

Confused nights and dawns,

This is a whirlpool, oh, this is a whirlpool,

Indian summer, Indian summer.

This is a whirlpool, oh, this is a whirlpool,

Indian summer, Indian summer.

Клены выкpасили гоpод

Колдовским каким-то цветом,

Это значит очень скоpо

Бабье лето, бабье лето.

Это значит очень скоpо

Бабье лето, бабье лето.

А меня pугает мама,

Что меня ночами нету

Что я слишком часто пьяный

Бабьим летом, бабьим летом.

Что я слишком часто пьяный

Бабьим летом, бабьим летом.

А я кручу напpопалую

С самой ветpенной из женщин,

А я давно искал такую,

И не больше, и не меньше.

А я давно искал такую,

И не больше, и не меньше.

А я забыл когда был дома,

Спутал ночи и pассветы,

Это омут, ох, это омут,

Бабье лето, бабье лето.

Это омут, ох, это омут,

Бабье лето, бабье лето.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Indian Summer" uses the beautiful metaphor of a warm autumn to convey a deeper meaning, reflecting the lyrical hero's state of mind.

The first lines paint a vivid picture of the city's transformation, colored by maples in "witchcraft" hues. Indian summer here is not just a time of year, but a symbol of change, something magical and fleeting.

However, the carefree and beauty of autumn contrast with the hero's inner state. His mother's reproaches ("my mother scolds me for being out at night") and his own admission ("that I am too often drunk") indicate an internal conflict and, perhaps, an attempt to escape from reality.

The image of "the windiest of women" emphasizes the instability and transience of the hero's infatuation. He found what he was looking for - freedom, passion, but this connection does not promise anything permanent.

The final lines, comparing Indian summer to a "whirlpool," take on a fatalistic connotation. Beauty and lightheartedness turn into a trap, dragging the hero into the abyss of passions and oblivion. "Tangled nights and dawns" is a metaphor for the loss of bearings, dissolution in the moment.

Thus, Vysotsky's song is not just a description of autumn, but a reflection on the transience of time, the complexity of choice, and the price of freedom, for which the hero pays with loneliness and inner turmoil.

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