The meaning of the lyrics of the song "On the Chinese problem." (O kitayskoy probleme) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

There are plenty of races on Earth,

Just a colored palette,

Everyone breathes in at a time

Two and a half liters of air!

If this goes on, then - hello to the end,

Soon the end of our era:

These Chinese in a few years

They will deprive the Earth of its atmosphere!

I've been having this dream for a week straight

A dream with a nightmare awakening:

It’s like I'm home and they're sitting in the kitchen

Mao Zedong and Syngman Rhee!

And that our little ball split

Into three huge parts

We are a billion, they are a billion

And the rest are Chinese!

And that they are giving me some kind of piece of paper:

Here, they say, sign it - come on,

We really need your Far East

Oh, how we need it!

I only remembered this dream

I only thought about him

I recently called my colleague

Mao - I'm sorry - Zedong!

But soon we will fly to the moon,

And that we should fight America:

The left one is for us, the right one is for them,

And the rest is for the Chinese!

Есть на земле предостаточно рас

Просто цветная палитра,

Воздуха каждый вдыхает за раз

Два с половиною литра!

Если так дальше, так - полный привет

Скоро конец нашей эры:

Эти китайцы за несколько лет

Землю лишат атмосферы!

Сон мне тут снился неделю подряд

Сон с пробужденьем кошмарным:

Будто - я в дом, а на кухне сидят

Мао Цзедун с Ли Сын Маном!

И что разделился наш маленький шар

На три огромные части

Нас - миллиард, их - миллиард

А остальное - китайцы

И что подают мне какой-то листок:

На, мол, подписывай - ну же,

Очень нам нужен ваш Дальний Восток

Ах, как ужасно нам нужен!.

Только об этом я сне вспоминал

Только о нем я и думал,

Я сослуживца недавно назвал

Мао - простите - Цзедуном!

Но вскорости мы на Луну полетим,

И что нам с Америкой драться:

Левую - нам, правую - им

А остальное - китайцам

Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "About the Chinese Problem" utilizes satire and grotesque to mock the fear of overpopulation and Chinese expansion, a sentiment particularly relevant in the USSR during the 1960s.

The first stanza creates a deceptive sense of tranquility and equality: there are many races on Earth, all breathing the same air. However, in the second stanza, the author ironically declares the impending end of the world, which, in his opinion, will come because of the Chinese, ready to "deprive the Earth of its atmosphere."

This is followed by grotesque images from a dream, where the leaders of China and North Korea are sitting in the lyrical hero's kitchen, and the world is divided into three parts, with the largest part going to the Chinese. The absurdity of the situation is emphasized by the Chinese request to "give" them the Far East.

This nightmare makes such a strong impression on the hero that he begins to see Chinese people everywhere, even mistaking his colleague for Mao Zedong.

The final stanza offers an unexpected solution to the problem – flying to the moon and dividing its territory, again leaving the larger part to the Chinese.

Thus, Vysotsky ridicules the phobias and stereotypes associated with China, and also shows the absurdity of dividing the world and inciting hatred on national grounds.

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