The meaning of the lyrics of the song "About our meeting" (O naschey vstreche) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Of our meeting, what is there to say! -

I waited for it like a natural disaster, -

But we began to live as one right away,

Unafraid of any harmful disaster.

At once, I narrowed down your social sphere,

Clothed you, shod you, and pulled you from the mire, -

But a long tail trailed behind you, my dear -

The long, long tail of your short-lived desires.

Then, I remember, I beat up your friends:

I felt somehow uncomfortable around them -

Though there might have been among them, it depends,

Some truly excellent gentlemen.

Whatever you asked for, I did in a flash -

Each day I tried to make as though our wedding night.

Because of you, I jumped in front of a train crash,

But, thank God, not quite successfully, not quite.

And if you'd waited for me back then, that year,

When they sent me off to the country to stay, -

I would have stolen the whole sky for you, my dear,

And two Kremlin stars, as a bonus, they say.

And I swear - may I be the lowest of scum! -

Don't lie, don't drink - and I'll forgive your betrayal -

And I will give you the Bolshoi, yes, the sum,

And the small Sports Arena, as an extra detail.

But now I'm not ready for us to meet:

I fear you, fear intimate words you may say -

Like people in Japanese cities on the street

Fear a repeat of Hiroshima, come what may.

О нашей встрече что там говорить! -

Я ждал ее, как ждут стихийных бедствий, -

Но мы с тобою сразу стали жить,

Не опасаясь пагубных последствий.

Я сразу сузил круг твоих знакомств,

Одел, обул и вытащил из грязи, -

Но за тобой тащился длинный хвост -

Длиннющий хвост твоих коротких связей.

Потом, я помню, бил друзей твоих:

Мне с ними было как-то неприятно, -

Хотя, быть может, были среди них

Наверняка отличные ребята.

О чем просила - делал мигом я, -

Я каждый день старался сделать ночью брачной.

Из-за тебя под поезд прыгнул я,

Но, слава богу, не совсем удачно.

И если б ты ждала меня в тот год,

Когда меня отправили на дачу, -

Я б для тебя украл весь небосвод

И две звезды Кремлевские в придачу.

И я клянусь - последний буду гад! -

Не ври, не пей - и я прощу измену, -

И подарю тебе Большой театр

И Малую спортивную арену.

А вот теперь я к встрече не готов:

Боюсь тебя, боюсь речей интимных -

Как жители японских городов

Боятся повторенья Хиросимы.

In his song "About Our Meeting," Vladimir Vysotsky uses bitterness and irony to depict a tumultuous and destructive love affair. The lyrical hero reflects on a past relationship, saturated with passion, jealousy, and self-destruction.

From the very first lines, a sense of doom prevails: "I awaited her as one awaits natural disasters." The encounter with this woman didn't bode well, yet the hero throws himself headlong into the abyss of passion. He tries to control his lover, "restricting her circle of acquaintances," isolating her from her past. The image of the "long tail of short affairs" speaks volumes about the jealousy and mistrust poisoning their relationship.

The hero doesn't hide his dark deeds: he beats up his lover's friends, driven by blind jealousy. He's ready for insane acts, even suicide, just to prove his love. The hyperbolized promises of stealing the sky and the Kremlin stars emphasize the recklessness and naivety of his feelings.

However, time has put everything in its place. The hero has gone through a painful breakup and is now afraid of a new encounter. He understands that this relationship was like an explosion, leaving only ashes in its wake. The comparison to Hiroshima is no coincidence: love has proven to be a destructive force, leaving behind fear and devastation.

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