The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Here's the thing: life is wonderful, comrades." (Vot chto: jizn prekrasna, tovarischi) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Here’s the thing:

Life is beautiful, comrades,

And it is amazing,

And it is short.

This is the most important thing. This

Was not directly said in the film,

Maybe you didn’t notice

And decided that there wasn't

The most important thing? Maybe

Indeed, there wasn't,

There was only desire.


So it is for you,

It will be next time. And here’s the thing:

Man to humanity –

Is a friend, comrade, and brother to us.

Friend, comrade, and brother –

This is the most important thing. Labor should

Ennoble us,

It makes all of us

Real people.

This is the most important thing. But the truth is

In the film this was not,

There was only desire.


So it is for you

It will be next time. Our world –

Is the cradle of humanity,

But it’s not a century for us to stay

In our cradle –

Tsiolkovsky also said. Soon

Even distant stars

Humanity will make

Property of the people.

This is the most important thing. This

Was not directly said in the film,

There was only desire.


So it is for you,

It will be next time.

Вот что:

Жизнь прекрасна, товарищи,

И она удивительна,

И она коротка.

Это самое-самое главное.Этого

В фильме прямо не сказано,

Может, вы не заметили

И решили, что не было

Самого-самого главного?Может быть,

В самом деле и не было,

Было только желание.


Значит это для вас

Будет в следующий раз.И вот что:

Человек человечеству —

Друг, товарищ и брат у нас.

Друг, товарищ и брат —

Это самое-самое главное.Труд нас

Должен облагораживать,

Он из всех из нас делает

Настоящих людей.

Это самое-самое главное.Правда вот

В фильме этого не было,

Было только желание.


Значит это для вас

Будет в следующий раз.Мир наш —

Колыбель человечества,

Но не век находиться нам

В колыбели своей —

Циолковский сказал ещё.Скоро

Даже звёзды далёкие

Человечество сделает

Достояньем людей.

Это самое-самое главное.Этого

В фильме прямо не сказано,

Было только желание.


Значит это для вас

Будет в следующий раз.

In his text "Here's the thing: life is beautiful, comrades", Vladimir Vysotsky speaks about the main values of life, disguising them as an ironic commentary on a non-existent film. He uses the phrase "This is the most important thing" three times, highlighting three key ideas:

1. "Life is beautiful, comrades, and it is amazing, and it is short." The first and most important truth is the value of life itself. Vysotsky reminds us of its fleeting nature, emphasizing the need to appreciate every moment.

2. "Man to humanity is a friend, comrade, and brother to us." The second important idea is the unity and brotherhood of all people. Vysotsky promotes humanistic ideals, faith in humanity, and its good nature.

3. "Our world is the cradle of humanity, but we are not destined to remain in our cradle forever." The third point is directed towards the future, the exploration of space, and the expansion of humanity's horizons. Vysotsky quotes Tsiolkovsky, emphasizing the importance of striving for progress and knowledge.

However, each time after proclaiming "the most important thing," an ironic statement follows: "This wasn't in the film, there was only a desire." Vysotsky highlights the gap between ideals and reality, between a dream and its realization. This gap is not a reason for despair, but rather a stimulus for action. The film about real life has not yet been made, it awaits its creators - each one of us.

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