Song Meanings
Meaning of the Song "There, the trembling in my hands is gone. (Nu vot, ischezla droj v rukah) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Notes (Notyi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Zero seven (Nol sem) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Beggar woman (Nischaya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "No friend, but will I be able to (Net druga, no smogu li) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Unfulfilled romance (Nesostoyavschiysya roman) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "It's not true, there's no abyss above us, no darkness. (Nepravda, nad nami ne bezdna, ne mrak) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Neutral zone (Neytralnaya polosa) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Underloved (Nedolyubil) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "The Invisible Man (Nevidimka) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Don't take me away from spring. (Ne uvodite menya iz vesnyi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "They don't buy any food. (Ne pokupayut nikakoy edyi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Not to write poems and novels. (Ne pisat stihov mne i romanov) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "You won't catch me at a pop concert. (Ne zamanisch menya na estradnyiy koncert) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Our ancestors were ignorant and coarse people. (Naschi predki — lyudi tyomnyie i grubyie) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Don't worry! (Ne volnuytes!) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Our interferences are worthy of the epoch. (Naschi pomehi epohe pod stat) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Our kind viewers, our strict critics (Naschi dobryie zriteli, naschi strogie kritiki) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Nat Pinkerton was my childhood hero. (Nat Pinkerton — vot s detstva moy kumir) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "We don't need your pity. (Nas ne nujno jalet) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "We need to go. (Nado uyti) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Spotter (female) (Navodchica) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "I'm probably done for. (Naverno, ya pogib) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "On Yashin's retirement/departure. (Na uhod Yaschina) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "To Tikhoretskaya the train will depart. (From the movie "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!") (Na Tihoreckuyu sostav otravitsya (Iz filma "Ironiya sudbyi, ili S lyogkim parom!")) - the performer of the "
Meaning of the Song "Cards on the table, gentlemen! (Na stol kolodu, gospoda!) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "On the Moldavian steppes... (Na stepi moldavanskie...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "On the river or on the lake (Na reke l, na ozere) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "At Petrovsky market... (Na Petrovskom na bazare…) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Incoming and outgoing. (Na othod i prihod) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "At Perovsky, at the market... (Na Perovskom, na bazare...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Per person (Na odnogo) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Don't let my young age fool you... (Na moy na yunyiy vozrast ne smotri...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "On the Kolyma, where north and taiga surround... (Na Kolyime, gde sever i tayga krugom...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A quartet of leaders in the distance. (Na distancii — chetvyorka pervachey) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Don't let my young age fool you. (Na vozrast molodoy moy ne smotri) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "On the fraternal graves. (Na bratskih mogilah) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "We haven't read Schiller or Goethe... (Myi Schillera i Gyote ne chitali...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "We don't say "shtormy," we say "shtorma." (Myi govorim ne schtormyi, a schtorma) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "My cycling coach, Galey, and I... (Myi s masterom po velosportu Galeyu...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "We spin the Earth. (Myi vraschaem Zemlyu) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "We are faithful, tried-and-true steeds... (Myi vernyie ispyitannyie koni...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "We were taking off like ducks from soggy fields. (Myi vzletali, kak utki s raskisschih poley) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "We are waiting for you. (Myi vas jdyom) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "My Gypsy girl (Moya cyiganskaya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "My metrics are stored somewhere in the archives. (Moya metrika gde-to v arhive hranitsya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "The bridges have burned, the fords have deepened... (Mostyi sgoreli, uglubilis brodyi...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Moscow – Odessa (Moskva – Odessa) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "To long-distance sailors (Moryakam dalnego plavaniya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Lone sailor (Moreplavatel-odinochka) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Galileo's Monologue (Monolog Galileya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "It seems you're asking for a translation of Khlestakov's monologue from Gogol's "The Government Inspector". Please provide me with the specific passage you want translated. For example, you could say:* "Ple (Monolog"
Meaning of the Song "My friend went to Magadan. (Moy drug uehal v Magadan) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "My funeral (Moi pohorona) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "To my friends (Moim druzyam) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song ""Maybe for fun, maybe as a warning..." (Mojet, dlya veselya, dlya ostrastki...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "To my captain (Moemu kapitanu) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "I take after my mother a lot. (Mnogo vo mne maminogo) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Fate is mine until the very end. (Mne sudba do posledney chertyi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "The guys told me. (Mne rebyata skazali) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
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