Song Meanings
Meaning of the Song "The guys told me about this tattoo. (Mne rebyata skazali pro takuyu nakolku) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Every evening, candles are lit for me... (Mne kajdyiy vecher zajigayut svechi...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Mishka Shifman (Mischka Schifman) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Mishka Larin (Mischka Larin) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Hippie Mystery (Misteriya hippi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "The world is so pitch black. (Mir takoy kromeschnyiy) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Peace to your home! (Mir vaschemu domu!) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Police report (Miliceyskiy protokol) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "The speedometer needle jumps erratically... (Mechetsya strelka spidometra...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "The Bears' Football Team March (Marsch futbolnoy komandyi «Medvedey») - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "The March of the Physics Students (Marsch studentov-fizikov) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "March of the End of War (Marsch o konce voynyi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "March of the Antipodes (Marsch antipodov) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Divers' March (Marsch akvalangistov) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Marathon, or Long-Distance Running (Marafon, ili Beg na dlinnuyu distanciyu) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Froggy (Lyaguschonok) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Middlers (Lyudi seredinyi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Lukomorye is no more. (Lukomorya bolsche net) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Twenty thousand horses crammed into machines... (Loschadey dvadcat tyisyach v maschinyi zajatyi...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A steam train flies through valleys, over hills... (Letit parovoz po dolinam, po vzgoryam...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Life flew by. (Letela jizn) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Siege of Leningrad (Leningradskaya blokada) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Lecture on the international situation (Lekciya o mejdunarodnom polojenii) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A stone lies in the steppe. (Lejit kamen v stepi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Cupolas (Kupola) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Couplets of the Unclean Force (Kupletyi nechistoy silyi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Gusev's Couplets (Kupletyi Guseva) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Bengali Couplets (Kupletyi Bengalskogo) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Someone has spied a fruit, unripe still... (Kto-to vyismotrel plod, chto nespel...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Who is chasing what (Kto za chem bejit) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Five hundred all around. (Krugom pyatsot) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Red, green (Krasnoe, zelyonoe) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Corsair (Korsar) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Royal procession (Korolevskoe schestvie) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Ships (Korabli) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Horses are picky eaters. (Koni priveredlivyie) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "The End of "Wolf Hunt", or Hunting from Helicopters (Konec «Ohotyi na volkov», ili Ohota s vertolyotov) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Scapegoat (Kozyol otpuscheniya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Hopkinson's Lullaby (Kolyibelnaya Hopkinsona) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "When we met... (Kogda s toboy myi vstretilis...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "When the night lanterns sway... (Kogda kachayutsya fonariki nochnyie...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A book with a naughty title. (Knijka s neprilichnyim nazvanem) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A book with an indecent title. (Knijka s neprilichnyim nazvaniem) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Katerina, Katya, Katerina - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Sadness hangs on me like a stone. (Kamnem grust visit na mne) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Down the Mother Volga River (Kak po Volge-matuschke) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "How everything, how it was. (Kak vsyo, kak eto byilo) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Like in the main city (Kak vo gorode vo glavnom) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Like in an old Russian fairy tale... (Kak v starinnoy russkoy skazke...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Sitting in a circle beneath an azalea. (Kak v krujok usevschis pod azaliey) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Everyone wants to bask a little. (Kajdomu hochetsya malost pogretsya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "To the 15th anniversary of the Taganka Theatre (K 15-letiyu Teatra na Taganke) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "To the top. (K verschine) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "To Valentin Pluchek's 60th anniversary (K 60-letiyu Valentina Plucheka) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "To Oleg Yefremov's 50th anniversary (K 50-letiyu Olega Efremova) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Medical history (Istoriya bolezni) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Travel Instructions Before Going Abroad, or Half an Hour at the Local Committee (Instrukciya pered poezdkoy za rubej, ili Polchasa v mestkome) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Ambler (Inohodec) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A Game of Cards in the Year '12 (Igra v kartyi v 12-m godu) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "From spring (Iz vesnyi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
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